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  • May 11, 2021
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    ty you are awesome too

    you’re my friend

  • May 11, 2021

    see they don't even care david. like i said. s***'s here today, gone tomorrow, rinse and repeat. you can't unwrite the rules of a forum since day 1

    You're right, this was not the right reply for something of this nature! I would like to apologize to all parties involved. The alt accounts harassing david should definitely be dealt with.

  • May 11, 2021


    Alts are used to troll and even bully long term posters and established quality users. We need to do something about it.

  • May 11, 2021
    3 replies

    going to confess i thought clb meant crazy little b****** until last week

  • May 11, 2021

    some say “cement” some say conk creet. U can not please them all, baybee.

    speaking facts as usual

  • May 11, 2021
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Sounds like a crazy ass b**** to me


    what are u a toxic blink

  • May 11, 2021

    you’re my friend

    do I have to like pay you or something

  • May 11, 2021

    bro can u pls stop acting stupid ? I already told u why I popped off the way I did

    You take it so personally though

    Am I NOT allowed to criticize drake or music I don't like?

  • friend

    going to confess i thought clb meant crazy little b****** until last week

    U are demon minded lol

  • le epic poster xD


    what are u a toxic blink


  • May 11, 2021
    1 reply

    going to confess i thought clb meant crazy little b****** until last week

    Cute looking booty

  • May 11, 2021

    going to confess i thought clb meant crazy little b****** until last week

    I guess I’m a CLB...


    Cute looking booty


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