is the update stable battery wise?
the new ringtones sound liek drain gang . makes me excited for my alarm to go off fr
f*** a notification sound I need animated wallpapers BACK
f*** a notification sound I need animated wallpapers BACK
They removed wallpapers for an update?
They removed wallpapers for an update?
they removed animated wallpapers since iOS15 I think
they removed animated wallpapers since iOS15 I think
I don't understand the choices apple makes
I don't understand the choices apple makes
no one does
the new ringtones sound liek drain gang . makes me excited for my alarm to go off fr
Ngl those Apple sounds are fire af. I remember using them on my Android, I couldn't resist
I like the update in Apple Music
anytime I get a new phone I put it on mute and never change it lol
Not the Bucces avi