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  • Sep 28, 2023

    I mean this sound (Glo) has been making a comeback the last 18 months via male rappers (Trippie, BLP Kosher and loads more). This is not a "woke" take at all but maybe rappers in general are making some uninspired music?

  • Sep 28, 2023

    Not the popular ones the quality between popular male rappers and female ones is a huge divide

    The divide is HUGE because Doja is s***ting on every rapper, male and female

  • Sep 28, 2023

    why FEMALE rappers though? have you heard some of the dogshit the males have been putting out too?

    They even got enbies making that dogshit rn

  • Sep 28, 2023
    1 reply

    man 21 savage been ruining niggas albums for 6 years now and yall complaining about sexyy redd at least she interesting. can’t say the same for a lot of these men rappers out here

  • Sep 28, 2023

    imagine listening and spending the time on a thread for sexyy red. i wouldn't even give it a single attention

  • willcherry

    this isn’t for me but you can’t try to convince me that she’s in line with the sample hell of mainstream rap rn

    she is a breath of fresh air to a very specific crowd and that’s why they’re reacting the way they are

  • Sep 28, 2023

    Yoummmm yoummmm

    It’s sexy

  • Sep 28, 2023

    this isn’t for me but you can’t try to convince me that she’s in line with the sample hell of mainstream rap rn

    she is a breath of fresh air to a very specific crowd and that’s why they’re reacting the way they are

    she is a breath of fresh air to a very specific crowd mfs said the same s*** for glorilla now where she at again all her music just trap music ain’t s*** fresh about it ….

    That specific crowd don’t care about no damn music they just wanna twerk and get drunk to something who cares

  • nigga shut the hell up rap is saturated with all the carti clones it was saturated with kanye clones back then don't act like male rappers are original in any type of way either there are outliers but it isn't specific to gender

  • Sep 28, 2023
    4 replies

    man 21 savage been ruining niggas albums for 6 years now and yall complaining about sexyy redd at least she interesting. can’t say the same for a lot of these men rappers out here

    Name one memorable/influential album from a single female rapper in the last 3 years

    If they so much better and good this should be an easy one

    don’t try and put Doja

  • Sep 28, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    Name one memorable/influential album from a single female rapper in the last 3 years

    If they so much better and good this should be an easy one

    don’t try and put Doja

    Sometimes I Might Be Introvert washes any rap project dropped in the last 3 years.

  • PIMP 💿
    Sep 28, 2023

    I legit love Sexyy Red for the sole reason that it sounds like a genuine Chief Keef impression

    I love the Chief Keef BFTD2 type beats she hop on

  • Sep 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Sometimes I Might Be Introvert washes any rap project dropped in the last 3 years.

    You know I’m right when you gotta use a British rapper that’s not even connected to this wave

  • bandslabands

    You know I’m right when you gotta use a British rapper that’s not even connected to this wave

    such weird takes you have
    you can't argue the quality of the album so you resort to the "british lol" arguement. touch grass sometimes.

  • this trend of s***ty sampling is not tied to gender in any way, op just wanted to be sexist instead of offering fair criticism

  • Sep 28, 2023

    @op in dire need of a mute or perma

    or to get the dog s*** slapped out of him.

    either way, horrible human being. make iamhiphop look like albert einstein.

    Also before I go back to f***ing this million dollar ❄️ 🐰 tonight

    remember you won’t slap s*** I’ll piss in your mommas mouth, your aunts mouth, I’ll piss on your car and most important I’ll piss all over that dump you call a life.

    Oh wait I just did

  • Op mad he ain’t got no dreads to shake

  • Also before I go back to f***ing this million dollar ❄️ 🐰 tonight
    remember you won’t slap s*** I’ll piss in your mommas mouth, your aunts mouth, I’ll piss on your car and most important I’ll piss all over that dump you call a life.
    Oh wait I just did

  • Sep 28, 2023

  • Sep 28, 2023

    look at this lame ass

  • Sep 28, 2023

    it’s sexyy!

  • Wolf80
  • Sep 28, 2023

    I know i'll probably sound like "that guy" but the mainstream female rap genre is a very limited space when it comes to the type of content you can make. especially when we look at mainstream female rap albums, I feel like Doja stands out due to her ability to make a lot of different type of music. she's extremely versatile on top of the fact she can rap fr. you don't really get that same versatility from her peers such as meg, cardi, latto, etc.. although each of them have tried to step outside of their boundaries, most of the time it comes off as a label move.

    I think sexyy red has her niche tho so im not gonna hate on her for some s*** I don't actually care about. there are plenty of male rappers that make music just like her and I don't have s*** to say about them. I will say there is a space in mainstream rap for male rappers to be more diverse... looking at kendrick, drake, j cole, and others and I don't think that space is very open to the women right now. now my theory is that women (and a lot of men) don't really want to hear that type of conscious type music coming from a woman. I think male rappers have been given a lot more space to experiment than women rappers have. I also have a theory that the main consumers of conscious/lyrical rap are men. I truly believe that Noname and Raphsody have more male fans than female fans and I think that's for a reason.

  • Sep 28, 2023


  • Sep 28, 2023

    Name one memorable/influential album from a single female rapper in the last 3 years

    If they so much better and good this should be an easy one

    don’t try and put Doja

    we in the streaming era nobody give af about albums anymore. i can’t even name 3 albums from men in the last 3 years that are memorable/influential.

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