give it up
he’s just too weird imo and his fanbase is deadas reddit
he got connections with Billie but she dont make tracks with him
sucks huh
I’ve seen him shut down festival sets and he’s a got a strong base. He’s doing fine
The amount of fans he gained from that Bulls On Parade cover is unbelievable.
I’ve seen him shut down festival sets and he’s a got a strong base. He’s doing fine
dont copy the first reply in the thread nigga
This is facts. People been sayin he was supposed to be the next big thing in hip hop since like 2015-2016. Never heard his name mentioned ever irl.
Even saw an IG page the other day think that hes gonna be on the list with the 3 biggest rappers at the end of the decade
if denzel does blow up i think his music quality will suffer
unless he can pull a kendrick