I actually bought this album with an iTunes gift card back in the day lol
Forgot about this song, and you just brought back a lot of memories for me lol
Thank you
Look at the top comment, they said it’s like a basquiat painting lmaoooooooo. No way people bumping this casually
True story this album used to not be on Youtube and i wanted to hear it bad so I took a risk and stole it from my dads cd collection which i never did bc i was scared to for some reason
Anyways after what felt like a huge risk i sat and listened to this album and got so f***ing pissed off by this song like bruh i risked it for this????
this isn’t even a bad beat if you ask me
but maybe I’m biased bc I love this song
This is kinda heat tho, reminds me of some Jedi Mind Tricks s***
Look at the top comment, they said it’s like a basquiat painting lmaoooooooo. No way people bumping this casually
I am people.
tbf this was for the blood diamond ost if Im not mistaken. A lot of hollywood rap songs are ass
every year i re-evalute if people are exaggerating when they say Nas has a terrible ear for beats - theyre still right
I also do this at some point every year