Help me
Where ?
No sorry
I had Bar Rescue on in the delivery room right before my girl started pushing and she won't let me stop hearing how she hated that s***
I had Bar Rescue on in the delivery room right before my girl started pushing and she won't let me stop hearing how she hated that s***
i feel her
Bar Rescue is valid honestly
Reviews of Bar Rescue are NOT valid!
Bruh u cant make this s*** up
Bar Rescue and Below Deck are my reality TV guilty pleasures
He started off by asking me if i ever watched bar rescue
Nigga NO
This s*** made for 45 year old unmarried white women
I had Bar Rescue on in the delivery room right before my girl started pushing and she won't let me stop hearing how she hated that s***
Nah honestly if I was giving birth and my husband was watching Bar Rescue during it i might kill you fr
I had Bar Rescue on in the delivery room right before my girl started pushing and she won't let me stop hearing how she hated that s***
This is psychological torture
jon taffer really goes to Lowes, looks for the ugliest bar stools he can find, and says to himself "mmm f*** yeah, thats the one right there"
Nah honestly if I was giving birth and my husband was watching Bar Rescue during it i might kill you fr
To my defense I knew to turn the TV off when it was really time to get him outta there lol
im starting to get into it
its better when you realize Jon is lowkey just an angry moron
its better when you realize Jon is lowkey just an angry moron
He’s so f***ing stupid in like every way and that’s what makes it so funny to me
Just loud and dumb
He’s so f***ing stupid in like every way and that’s what makes it so funny to me
He pressing niggas in the most unnecessary ways and its hilarious
Jon’s the man I met him last year at some bourbon showcase. Super chill guy in person
I had Bar Rescue on in the delivery room right before my girl started pushing and she won't let me stop hearing how she hated that s***
You’re serving this to the customers? 🤨
kills me how he goes into a place for like 4-5 hours & starts going in on peoples personal lives lmao