Based off your posts is it hard to believe that someone would think ur a white lib? You may not be but you share the same views
"hey don't be so mean to women" = i'm white
yall be exposing yallselves with these takes
most people can't relate that well to the opposite gender, it's not a ktt thing. go check out forums that are mostly women, they're spewing clueless bullshit about men too
Yup. Why there are so many failing relationships too i guess
"hey don't be so mean to women" = i'm white
yall be exposing yallselves with these takes
It’s the way you say it 🤷🏾
Alot of posts and points and positions made on this site legit be sounding like they be from ppl who’s only interactions with the opposite s***was through reddit threads or through a peephole at a s***store. It’s honestly telling especially when alot of female posters already dont be feeling comfortable and the few that are vocal get s***ted on OFF RIP.
It’s just weird. Stans making excuses why their favs did something problematic they wouldnt give another artist the same leeway, or a bunch of niggas that dont have a uterus talking about there’s not a lot of risks to births, to the relationship sxn, it just gives “locker room” energy and it’s weird asl sometimes.
you have no idea if example- sexy susan is posting under sammylit420 😒
in FACT - you could be a woman posting incognito to divert people. insertcoolnamehere sounds like you could shop at bed bath beyond regularly. let’s test it out, when was the last time you bought soap? a.c. has you trapped in a corner, ma. answer the questions. 😳
As a loser it’s kind of refreshing to have a site with a lack of women
i know tons of women on here. yku just gotta know ehere to look. i get all of them theyre mine. al mine
you guys are not nearly as different from either 4chan or reddit as you like to think you are
ive been saying this s*** for so long
4chan has literal Nazis
and so does reddit lmao, they just cant go mask off in fear of being downvoted, reddit shills certain views and talking points unapologetically, have certain groups of mods monitoring thousands of sections dogmatically and agenda posting and that's not even starting to get into the actual users on that site
hell, different subreddits on that site always devolve into right-wing partisan nonsense, at least 4chan doesn't hide that it's a disgusting and demented place, and unlike reddit, 4chan actually gets s*** done irl, these reddit niggas do not
you have no idea if example- sexy susan is posting under sammylit420 😒
in FACT - you could be a woman posting incognito to divert people. insertcoolnamehere sounds like you could shop at bed bath beyond regularly. let’s test it out, when was the last time you bought soap? a.c. has you trapped in a corner, ma. answer the questions. 😳
Uhhhhhhh, que?
Stick to making threads about great informative vintage acts sir.
Uhhhhhhh, que?
Stick to making threads about great informative vintage acts sir.
stick to what? let me put it in terms you can understand clearly without any humor. you don’t know who is a woman on here, that s the reality.
we clear ? good
stick to what? let me put it in terms you can understand clearly without any humor. you don’t know who is a woman on here, that s the reality.
we clear ? good
Women don't need to announce they are women in every post
Just like I don't need to announce my race in every post.
There are more than u think