When you search for Cudi snippets this snippet is usually deeper down the results, Im surprised more people dont hype this s*** up...
To me it sounds like prime Cudi melodies that we all love over a smooth ass Cudi-type beat.
I need this song so bad
rather have this tbh
!https://youtu.be/O3oQHL1BXA0Lmfao what is fhis
rather have this tbh
!https://youtu.be/O3oQHL1BXA0This isn’t it. On some Frank wannabe vibes. Wither by Frank Ocean on YouTube
Here we go again... KTT2 hyping up a snippet
If it sounds good it sounds good
If it sounds good it sounds good
Are you Re tarded? It’s a 10 second snippet and OP’s saying this album going to be his mega opus
Just relax!
The song hasn’t even dropped.
KTT2 always does this with snippets. When the song comes out it never lives up to the hype.
Are you Re tarded? It’s a 10 second snippet and OP’s saying this album going to be his mega opus
Just relax!
The song hasn’t even dropped.
KTT2 always does this with snippets. When the song comes out it never lives up to the hype.
Your post formulated as if getting hype for a snippet at all is weird. Not everybody is a cynical weirdo like you, weirdo.
Your post formulated as if getting hype for a snippet at all is weird. Not everybody is a cynical weirdo like you, weirdo.
Who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO Gossip Girl.
Who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO Gossip Girl.