Worst Drake song ever
its not available in my country
Also this
Worst Drake feature on a Khaled song
I'm On One>For Free>No New Friends>To The Max
Y’all weren’t ready in 2017 but now say something. The bass hits hard af
had this on repeat when it dropped workout playlist and all that had some goat runs to it
and i didn't even notice how it faded out of my life mysteriously
until some months later after the fact when i realized it was taken off here and there due to sample issues
Worst Drake feature on a Khaled song
I'm On One>For Free>No New Friends>To The Max
Man said For Free > No New Friends
Beat is too regional. It’s a love letter to South Florida sticking/fast music culture
Man said For Free > No New Friends
For free is clearly a better song than no new friends.
Man said For Free > No New Friends
and like your boy from Compton said, you know this d*** ain't free
yeah this is pretty cool, i had stopped listening to khaled by that point (other than wild thoughts when it showed up on the radio), but this is clearly somethin i overlooked
Beat is too regional. It’s a love letter to South Florida sticking/fast music culture
you say this like it's a bad thing
this song isnt on any streaming anyone know why?
Crazy track for sure
One of the ones we tally in the long spreadsheet of excuses under the column “over saturation”