  • Apr 26, 2021
    1 reply

    i remember finding it and thinking how it was damn near Adult Swim short level of creepy good luck, if you find it pls send the link this way

    I’ll let you know

    do you remember what year it might’ve been from? If it was recent tour around 2017/18 or closer to 2014 when she died her hair white ish?

  • Apr 26, 2021

    Knowing that it’s something she wanted scrubbed makes you read it and try to project the points of contention that otherwise would have went mostly unnoticed.

  • G Roy 🩻
    Apr 26, 2021

    i thought it came out and i missed it but i think the interviewer just got a early copy of it or something lol

  • Apr 26, 2021

    dont care still f***in

  • Apr 26, 2021
    1 reply

    The singles have had positive reception, and her snl performances were really good. I think the rollout is fine tbh

  • Apr 26, 2021

    The singles have had positive reception, and her snl performances were really good. I think the rollout is fine tbh

    I thought her SNL performance was awesome tbh

  • Apr 26, 2021
    2 replies

    I miss when Indie albums would leak like a month early

  • Apr 26, 2021
    1 reply

    I’ll let you know

    do you remember what year it might’ve been from? If it was recent tour around 2017/18 or closer to 2014 when she died her hair white ish?

    it was before all of that, i think it was around when Marry Me dropped cuz her hair was mid length and black

    before she started the whole character acting gimmick

  • Apr 26, 2021

    interview got me curious bout the album more than anything, ive only heard Love This Giant from her an David Byrne prior

  • Apr 26, 2021

    it was before all of that, i think it was around when Marry Me dropped cuz her hair was mid length and black

    before she started the whole character acting gimmick

    gotcha thanks

  • Apr 27, 2021

    I miss when Indie albums would leak like a month early

  • Apr 27, 2021

    how can you be friends with sufjan and still be like this

  • Apr 27, 2021

    It was definitely a bristly interview. The questions really for the most part weren't anything she hasn't answered elsewhere during this run, which I think has gone well outside of this. It seemed like Annie and the interviewer were at a bit of an odds, the former on edge and the other poking a little much, that's all. Why not scrap it if it's more awkward than illuminating

  • Apr 27, 2021

    I miss when Indie albums would leak like a month early

    Was so goated in the early to mid 10s when stuff would get leaked once review copies went around

  • Apr 27, 2021

    Reading that interview actually made me want to listen to the album so I don't know what the fuss is about.

  • Apr 27, 2021

    About a fortnight ago I was commissioned to interview St. Vincent, an artist I have been inspired by, impressed by, turned on by, compelled by, curious of, in awe of, occasionally suspicious of—for the better half of a decade. I try not to think about other journalists too much, but St. Vincent has developed a reputation for intimidating us. For her last press cycle, she made her interviewers crawl into a pink box; she would play a pre-recorded message on a tape recorder if a question bored or irked her. I found that quite funny—irresistibly imperious—but I considered it an act of degradation rather than an interesting switch of power. I love famous people but I also find them quite silly, like a Schnauzer wearing a bowtie.

    I didn’t know why, but for around two hours after our call ended, I was reeling with nervous energy. I was vocalising it and trying to get to the other side of it, the way I sing songs when I’m walking through a haunted house. I woke up the next morning with a voice message from the editor who assigned this piece. I am fond of this person and I will not name them. MBC, the team in charge of St. Vincent’s publicity (which is helmed by Barbara Charone, who also works for Madonna, and is considered one of the more powerful and intimidating publicists in the industry) had been on the phone to this editor, demanding the piece be pulled. My editor’s words: “They said she’s terrified of this interview coming out.” The publication didn’t have a leg to stand on.

    "Terrified"? That word didn't seem to square. I thought I had done a not-so-good job the night before. I ended the call thinking I hadn’t asked the right questions. St. Vincent and I didn’t feel like a good match in conversation (or at least not in this conversational setup set-up, for which I was given thirty minutes, and continual reminders from the person on St. Vincent’s team, who remained on the call with us, that we’d need to wrap up well in time for St. Vincent’s Instagram Live session with Paul McCartney, which directly followed our interview.) St. Vincent tended to interpret my questions in bad faith. I assumed she believed me to be a Bad Reader; presumptuous, judgemental, simple, anti-curious—all qualities that her latest album ‘Daddy’s Home’, which I’ve interpreted as a counter to the folly, inadequacy and meretriciousness of moral purity—counters. Anyway, she read me wrong. I love Lana Del Rey.

    I got a call from MBC later that morning by a man who sounded quite nervous. I told him I was confused, I asked him what the matter seemed to be. He wasn't totally sure, he said, "she found the interview aggressive." Aggressive? I complimented her and cowed to her and laughed at her jokes. "Well, the message has been passed down a line of many messengers, she might not have actually said that." The man on the phone said that this—one of his artists demanding an interview to be pulled—had never happened to him before. It hadn't happened to me either. I felt annoyed by how easy it was for St. Vincent to kill something I had researched and expected money for. But the interview started to seem valuable to me after I was told that she didn't want it out in the world. "Can we draw a line under this and just kill the piece here?" said the man on the phone.

    Below is the full transcript of my interview with St. Vincent (save for a short and-forth about Tool which didn’t make sense when turned into text). My questions are in bold, her responses are in italics.

    Turned on by

  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Bump because 2nd read was even funnier

    nice avi
    Just watched that show

  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    need a tldr

  • Apr 27, 2021

    need a tldr

    Interviewer was just sucking her off. Wasn't very interesting

  • Apr 27, 2021

    nice avi
    Just watched that show

    Currently on half season 2 and mf always find a new way to be a piece of s***

  • Apr 27, 2021

    Howling at how hard she was pressing her about her father but guess what her father is a b**** so that's what you're going to get stop acting weird about it especially when you wanted him to be the main theme of your album

  • Apr 27, 2021


  • Gojira 🦖
    Apr 27, 2021

    st Vincent is garbaggio

    Allah Vincent

  • Apr 27, 2021

    very cool

  • Apr 27, 2021

    lowkey genius 2021 promo to get us all to read this boring ass interview.
    it worked and now i know everything bout this new st vincent album when i didnt give af before.