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  • Nov 22, 2020
    jordan at wizards
    · edited

    The term ‘Divide and conquer’ was literally coined for this, fuelling this conflict


  • Nov 22, 2020
  • Nov 22, 2020
    Red Stone Mask

    barbarians existed way before islam, and they're not from north africa, those are just invasors from south europe my friend, they catalogued them as north african/amazigh so they don't get mad, but the real north africans were black

    Berber folk are indigenous to North Africa and they absolutely do not look white. Source I'm berber. And outside of slavery, black people didn't originally live there.. Don't mean no hate by this just clearing up things.

  • Nov 22, 2020
    2 replies
    Red Stone Mask

    they need a way to feel less bad

    and that’s just for their active colonialism/genocide. We’re not even going into how many diseases these rats have been responsible for spreading throughout history. No pun intended!

  • Nonetheless its important to talk or at least know about imperialsm done by muslim empires/emperors.

    A good example is the khalifate of sokoto (today nigeria) which literally enslaved all african kingdoms nearby based on the dschihad.

  • Imagine being an anti masker being the most iconic plight of your people in modern times

  • jordan at wizards

    and that’s just for their active colonialism/genocide. We’re not even going into how many diseases these rats have been responsible for spreading throughout history. No pun intended!

    actually I feel like the Sentinel people already know what is going on

  • Nov 22, 2020
    2 replies

    The moors also enslaved east manyy europeans and african people. Many people forget that.

  • Majin balotelli

    The moors also enslaved east manyy europeans and african people. Many people forget that.

    I know some africans who hate islam cause of this. Was suprised when I learnt about this ngl. Really ashamed they did this s*** in the name of Islam

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    The moors also enslaved east manyy europeans and african people. Many people forget that.

    literally moors were africans, arabs, and arabs mixed with africans

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    jordan at wizards

    and that’s just for their active colonialism/genocide. We’re not even going into how many diseases these rats have been responsible for spreading throughout history. No pun intended!

    Lets not forget they gave infected blankets with small pox on them to native Americans to deliberately kill entire tribes off

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Red Stone Mask

    literally moors were africans, arabs, and arabs mixed with africans

    Oh, refering to berbers/north africans under ottoman control

    Moors a really vague defintion lol

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    Oh, refering to berbers/north africans under ottoman control

    Moors a really vague defintion lol

    as you can see in this pic
    the ottoman empire, never ruled on us, moors,

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    jordan at wizards

    Lets not forget they gave infected blankets with small pox on them to native Americans to deliberately kill entire tribes off

    not surprised about that
    iberians tried to extermine native american bloodline by mixing with them

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply

    where's that bytch who said he is middle eastern

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Red Stone Mask

    as you can see in this pic
    the ottoman empire, never ruled on us, moors,

    The inhabitants of Maghreb are also moors

  • Red Stone Mask

    where's that bytch who said he is middle eastern

    Don’t entertain the trolls. that’s the only thing going for them.

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    The inhabitants of Maghreb are also moors

    said who?, those ain't moors, g, moors were from this place

  • Red Stone Mask

    said who?, those ain't moors, g, moors were from this place

    Imo there are different meanings for moor.

    1. For the spaniards/european every person with a darker skin was moor (arabs/berbers/black africans)

    2. And then you have the roman province called mauretania, which is still called its original name.

    I guess european historians have problems to differentiate between these two defintions. But what im referring to are the berber/arab who were also heavily involved in piracy.

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply

    you a cac?
    now I know why you want to feel more secure when talking about colonization, literally, people just mixed there, who said it was colonization?
    also, ethiopians conquered a part of arabia and mixed with the people who were living there (bedouins) ain't that colonization?

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Yo whole profile revolving around Islam

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