take care of your body now and it'll pay off later
Stay in shape, eat healthy and stress less. Then you’ll just be an old man that’s fit and good looking.
Stay in shape, eat healthy and stress less. Then you’ll just be an old man that’s fit and good looking.
exactly. Larry David old seems appealing
take care of your body now and it'll pay off later
No one asked yuh leave di thread
exactly. Larry David old seems appealing
If he goes bald and gets a beard or goatee then definitely.
Stay in shape, eat healthy and stress less. Then you’ll just be an old man that’s fit and good looking.
Other than Joe Biden I never seen a good looking old man no cap
Other than Joe Biden I never seen a good looking old man no cap
I feel like once you get to 70, your looks will be the last thing you’ll care about.
No one asked yuh leave di thread
ok then that's why you'll die fat and senile alt
Why does this thread keep popping up every couple weeks
This is what scares you about getting old
Imagine being scared of losing your looks instead of your mental faculties, your physical fitness, and all your loved ones.
Most people from our generation will arrive at that age and say “back in the day i had no b****es”
hope when im old as dirt i'll be as goofy an happy as these dudes
Tiktok embeds?
Most people from our generation will arrive at that age and say “back in the day i had no b****es”
nah I'm glad I get to see I f***ed with crazy b****es