I remember this show as a jit and for some reason this scene always lived rent free in my head years later
This how white kids really be tho
Would actually work well today ngl. I like that all the sound effects are hiphop inspired lmao
I remember this show as a jit and for some reason this scene always lived rent free in my head years later
I remember this show as a jit and for some reason this scene always lived rent free in my head years later
Yea this shoulda had a full run
We cant have s***
what was that one cartoon on MTV with the talking dog or some s***
(not family guy)
I know exactly what you talking about lmao
This is actually their second cartoon I remember this one to starring Orlando brown
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j0wkHixS6iA&pp=ygUKV2F5YW4gaGVhZA%3D%3DLmaoo yoooooo I forgot this hoe
Lmaoo yoooooo I forgot this hoe
S*** only had one season but it was classic lmao
I read the thread title and knew exactly what this was going to be.
Didn't they make two of these?
Makes me think about when I realized that a lot of white kids did not watch Proud Family growing up.
Wizard Kelly did more for me than MJ
Makes me think about when I realized that a lot of white kids did not watch Proud Family growing up.