My father is in the hospital with stage 4 lung cancer. He doesn't have long and and im not allowed to see him due to coivd. For those who have been in simialr positions how have you dealth with it? Im absolutely devistated and heartbroken and so is my family.
Any stories or advice would be helpful. Thank you
My father is in the hospital with stage 4 lung cancer. He doesn't have long and and im not allowed to see him due to coivd. For those who have been in simialr positions how have you dealth with it? Im absolutely devistated and heartbroken and so is my family.
Any stories or advice would be helpful. Thank you
Prayers for you bro!!
I couldn't imagine having a loved one go through this, it would hurt me a lot, i'm sorry this happened to your dad.
I lost my mom to cancer, Its one of the worst feelings in the world.
My dad has cancer now too, he's hanging on but i think sooner or later he will pass.
I lost my mom to cancer, Its one of the worst feelings in the world.
My dad has cancer now too, he's hanging on but i think sooner or later he will pass.
Im sorry for what you're going thoigh brother, i couldnt imagine losing my mother as well. This world is anything but fair. Stay strong fam.
I lost my aunt to suicide in 2012. I lived with her my whole life. I know how it feels but cannot offer you any advice. I never got over it or moved on.