Memes with this layout are absolute garbage and I fail to understand them everytime
The pic is wack but Elon is great
btw, someone posted a meme with your avy in a dreadlock subreddit
i gotta see this send the link
eat the rich haha !
His money, which he got from his white supremacist parents exploiting South Africa, is not even in his top10 worst attributes
man what is this subreddit
Billionnaires are an evil concept.
They shouldn't exist when 900 million people are suffering from chronic undernourishment...
No reddit meme can change that for me.
What i didnt understand until recently is that if all the world billionaires didnt exist, people would not be more wealthy. In fact there would be even more poverty bevause billionaires create more wealth for everyone
The most equal societies in history were also the most poor. If everyone has nothing, then its perfectly equal
man what is this subreddit
Morning jabs how u
Morning jabs how u
pretty lonely, i miss my friends
but otherwise i'm ok :)
man what is this subreddit
don't even know how they get upvoted, but there're some nice and clean locs over there, u should check it
pretty lonely, i miss my friends
but otherwise i'm ok :)
Not bad imo just getting my day started, gonna get going with some last minute Christmas decorations and prob bleaching my hair later
IDGI. Is he saying people that take the money create in a vacuum?
He just be talking
i gotta see this send the link
and there was a guy saying: ''This is like blk people asking white people, how do y'all get jobs'' sad I couldn't virtually punch his face