Cats isn't the only one that knows how to doxx someone
You right though
Wouldn’t waste my energy looking up satellite images of some crackers cave
But if it brings u peace then so be it
might have to delete this thread too
just know mine is the fresh and clean one
the restart we need
sorry @Mechanical
To be very clear
I made one (1)
I don’t know the situation nor do I care.
I’d do it again absolutely.
actually yeah @Synopsis where were you
cant have you slacking on the shift
just despicable moderation going on
wat happened
Some dude was trolling and Val and him got into it
Then Bernie or whatever said he’d fork Val’s mom and Val said he would make fund of someone who died (cats)
This went on for about 5 pages.
Apparsntly the dead guy doxxed slings parents house