Tag as many people as possible when you do
I’m tagging the whole f***ing site until he’s unbanned
Man did CondomEyes actually get perma’d? WTF??
I remember @NobodyWins saying so in the bully thread but haven’t seen anything elsewhere
Free condom eyes @BlackAndMildSauce and take @Kr0niic
Free condom eyes @BlackAndMildSauce and take @Kr0niic
Oh wow
I am
Who’s side you on!
Yeah he is. He told me on discord.
@atthepyramids hello? ..
@atthepyramids hello? ..
@atthepyramids hello? ..
im here just working on my depression and not posting as often :D
im here just working on my depression and not posting as often :D
I hope u feel better
Do what u got to do
What happened to @afterimage
What happened to deadpegasus
What happened to @AwesomeGifs4K
What happened to deadpegasus
He dead.
He dead.
Nah, he spoiled the Attack on Titan ending and they banned him.
But he's likely in this thread on an alt.
But he's likely in this thread on an alt.
Twitch link says last active 2 years ago