  • I hail from Brooklyn, the City of Brooklyn

    I regret that I must address our recent interactions in a public setting. Your insistence on attempting to debase my good name have not gone unnoticed and leave me little choice but to levee brutal retaliation. Now withstanding your urban and seemingly aggressive demeanor, I am unmoved by your persona and in fact find your nature amusing. Let me take this time to remind you of several facts. I will turn 34 years old in a few months, clearly this establishes the notion that I am indeed fully grown and I will not underestimate the simple but serious assertion. You seem to be treating me like something else, I am no child which you will discover shortly. Second, I hail from Brooklyn, the City of Brooklyn, New York you and your cohorts may not be familiar with this province but I assure you I have seen and done things which the mere mention of will frighten you and force you to reassess this situation. Finally I am a man of immense power and wealth, my executives have done extensive research on you and we have failed to understand your perspective in this undertaking you have begun. With that in mind I must also remind you that I am presently out on bail for recent criminal charges levied against me in federal court. My understandings from my colleges is that you have never seen the inside of a jail cell, let me tell you sir, that you would not do well in such conditions. This may also be a good time to mention that the root of my name “Martin” comes from the word “mars” which is the roman god of war, in many ways I am born of and built for the concept of war which is not a battle that you are prepared for. Given my recent incarceration allow me to take note that I have no intention to harm you physically as my bail status would likely be revoked and this quarrel is distinctly below me, you are no Charlemagne. In a separate but wholly unrelated topic I do have a vast staff that is employed across our great nation. We are aware of the location of which you sleep on a nightly basis. I regret to inform you that despite my requests that my employees refrain from harming you, they are a rowdy and difficult group to control. The mere mention of my name in your video angered these gentlemen significantly. It is important for you to know that these men have significantly longer and storied alleged criminal histories than myself. They look up to me principally because I give them very gainful employment, and protect me almost like a general in their army. Again despite me pleading they also maintain and brandish an arsenal of illegal weapons which they are quick to use. This may come as a surprise to you because my demeanor is that of a calm business person. While it is true that my wealth seems to increase substantially on a regular basis, recall my admonitions and also note that I am of Albanian descent, my people are known for their irascible nature and very, very short tempers. While my temper’s presently under control and I view you as a laughable social media persona I assure you that future prodding will to serious, and direct consequences. In the meantime I give you fair warning that my associates may be looking for you and there is little I can do to call them off. I wish you luck in defending yourself in the reality that you have created.

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Free that man

    Ye and Drake shoulda had a concert for him instead

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Last I heard from Maserati Martin he stole some dudes wife got her to fall for him and then dumped her cause she spoke to the media

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Finally I am a man of immense power and wealth, my executives have done extensive research on you and we have failed to understand your perspective in this undertaking you have begun.


    Last I heard from Maserati Martin he stole some dudes wife got her to fall for him and then dumped her cause she spoke to the media

    “Maserati Martin” 😭😭🐐

  • This may also be a good time to mention that the root of my name “Martin” comes from the word “mars” which is the roman god of war, in many ways I am born of and built for the concept of war which is not a battle that you are prepared for. Given my recent incarceration allow me to take note that I have no intention to harm you physically as my bail status would likely be revoked and this quarrel is distinctly below me

  • rotate the satellites

  • Shkreli really was running round like he was pac

  • rotate the satellites video currently MIA