op the realest
first thing I thought when I seen that video on kennybeats story was it’s def a tf meme somewhere in this lolll
see you all @ le bump
I don’t live in ny
I don’t live in ny
you gotta make that trip for the boyz
teenage dirtbag x aperoli spritziolis all night
Peeping this
Why the name change?
They got dropped from barstool
Barstool owns the Failing Upwards name
Why the name change?
it’s all in the first new episode bay-beeeeeeeee
patiently waiting for Tuesday too bad first guest is f***ing vampire weekend. Not white enough to get excited for that s*** tbh
patiently waiting for Tuesday too bad first guest is f***ing vampire weekend. Not white enough to get excited for that s*** tbh
nah ezra’s cool though
ngl stopped listening to fu when they moved to barstool and I couldn't just listen soundcloud
new ep out now
Drop your IGs for shameless fit pic promotion
How did meeting Big Pump feel like