Nigga 90% of rap songs ethos tell him he’s a P**** lmao
Of course he’s insecure. It’s the same reason Drake turned into a Goodfella
Hell if we wanna be fr and take it there it’s the reason dude in your avy revolved his career around street tales while “watching it from his bedroom window”. Nas and Drake are just as insecure as this big teethed f***er lol
Or maybe its just entertainment and it aint that deep
It’s not about what he wants or don’t want
The fact is he didn’t grow up the way his father did
we can play all types of mental games & emotional catering but at the end of the day the boy needs to wake up to reality
19 year old suburban testosterone fueled dudes act like knuckle heads all over the country nothing new at all they usually get over themselves ....
He dont need to grow up in sum slum to be a wannabe tuff guy if anything
the crazy part to me is watching the comments riding tf out of "real niggas" and showing off their gangster fetishism
19 year old suburban testosterone fueled dudes act like knuckle heads all over the country nothing new at all they usually get over themselves ....
He dont need to grow up in sum slum to be a wannabe tuff guy if anything
the crazy part to me is watching the comments riding tf out of "real niggas" and showing off their gangster fetishism
who said anything bout slums
all of them need a reality check & dont think they need any deep psychoanalysis as to why they are the way they are
it’s simple
who said anything bout slums
all of them need a reality check & dont think they need any deep psychoanalysis as to why they are the way they are
it’s simple
You implied with grew up the way his father did, A 19 year old nigga full of testerone aint listenting to anyone
he just needs a smooth ass beating or get in trouble one time
ironically I'd just let King do whatever dont say shii till he on the phone crying to me about it
Imagine telling Tip about how you "stand on business" tf kind of mafioso bs do you think you have going on rn? All of those kids would be nothing without their father. Goofy ass spoiled brat
Between the hymen and bro’s habitual stepping out on his wife and the whole “shady family business” that we all just forgot about
I cant shake the suspicion TI mighta just been a horrible parent to his kids lol
I can’t lie I’d probably beat my sons ass too if I spent my whole life making sure my kids were taken care of and they lie and act like their from the hood
Ungrateful ass frog
All the money in the world can’t make up for a lack of good parenting and love & attention
Nigga what in the f*** are u talking about
y’all know damn well what he’s talking about
The root reason of why he wants to be perceived as hard to begin with
You, everyone who liked your post and quoting you laughing already know that. But internet humor and playing dumb > actual logic and serious discussion
All I'm seeing is a nigga mad at his parents for not being parents n being raised by his grandmother and doing s*** niggas do when they raised by they grandmother
you’re right and he’s right. the two issues aren’t mutually exclusive
Don’t know why niggas in here acting like they can’t understand what you’re saying
they’re sheep
Between the hymen and bro’s habitual stepping out on his wife and the whole “shady family business” that we all just forgot about
I cant shake the suspicion TI mighta just been a horrible parent to his kids lol
his kids had all the advantages in the world from a material standpoint but clearly, him and Tiny (like a LOT of rich parents) weren’t there for them on an emotional level especially King
when you don’t actually raise your kids, why would they grow up to respect you?
pnwlitty is in dismay
At the end of the day Kid turned out this way because his parents were trash.... Having money not an get out from trash parenting . Poor kid !