We get it, y’all had IG for a week or so and after you posted your breakfast you got 1 like and ever since it’s been “fuck social media, it’s destroying us” bro stfu already lmaooo
We get it, y’all had IG for a week or so and after you posted your breakfast you got 1 like and ever since it’s been “fuck social media, it’s destroying us” bro stfu already lmaooo
if u follow and like the right content, its an endless stream of entertaining/interesting stuff
That’s it but they push the content that’s taking us back no cap
Tik tok is a great wait to pregame for a fap session
1. 4chan/gif
2. Nsfw multi Reddit
3. Tik tok
We get it, y’all had IG for a week or so and after you posted your breakfast you got 1 like and ever since it’s been “fuck social media, it’s destroying us” bro stfu already lmaooo
U a funny ass nigga
The fyp page is genius. You can endlessly scroll forever
But that s*** also leads to echo chambers so idk
If your only experience with TikTok is YT clips or posts on other social platform just stop trying to speak on it alrd
YouTube is the best social media platform 🏆
youtube is practically in same lane as cable tv and streaming services as far as entertainment platforms. The thing is youtube is heavily influential like social media
We get it, y’all had IG for a week or so and after you posted your breakfast you got 1 like and ever since it’s been “fuck social media, it’s destroying us” bro stfu already lmaooo
reminds of middle aged people post and they take it so seriously after only getting 2 likes for posting something unnecessarily awkward
It's reliance on unnecessary music and text to speech makes it a lot worse than vine, especially since the absence of a 7 second limit makes it a pretty popular decent source for videos despite this pretty terrible aspect of it
We get it, y’all had IG for a week or so and after you posted your breakfast you got 1 like and ever since it’s been “fuck social media, it’s destroying us” bro stfu already lmaooo
First social media app to find a way to really make it easy as f*** for anyone to gain a huge audience quickly, for better or worse
if u follow and like the right content, its an endless stream of entertaining/interesting stuff
That’s true but it gets really addictive and you can spend hours just swiping endlessly ..not healthy
Too much of anything is a bad thing
there was some huge statistic saying that like 60 or 70% of users on tik tok dont use any other social media
its basically what the audience of snap was at the time, with the content diversity of vine and the commercialization/profitability of instagram. Its definitely not my favorite social media, bc the vast majority of humor appeals to the generation of niggas even younger than us millennial/gen z hybrids (speders is what I call them), but its definitely enjoyable
if u follow and like the right content, its an endless stream of entertaining/interesting stuff
I think its amazing how quick the feed adapts (almost scary). I was following big titty b****es exclusively for a while, then like DIY s***, then some of these skit doing types. It adapts so quickly.