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  • JaeRell

    Go get em op! I'm rooting for ya!

    said this as a joke but im now fighting against the entire plo online division

  • Oct 20, 2020
    2 replies

    Thought this was just a racist thread about corona but there is literally an ongoing genocide against Uyghur Turks in china and nobody gives a single f*** about it and its f***ing sickening

  • Oct 20, 2020

    Thought this was just a racist thread about corona but there is literally an ongoing genocide against Uyghur Turks in china and nobody gives a single f*** about it and its f***ing sickening

    yeh f*** racists

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    f*** united states btw

  • Oct 20, 2020
    2 replies

    Thought this was just a racist thread about corona but there is literally an ongoing genocide against Uyghur Turks in china and nobody gives a single f*** about it and its f***ing sickening

    source that its any worse than what the US is doing

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    locking children in cages and incarcerating and exploiting millions of innocent people

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    source that its any worse than what the US is doing

    Would that make it okay if the US had something just as terrible

  • Oct 20, 2020

    Would that make it okay if the US had something just as terrible

    it wouldn't make it okay but i would question the need for the US to "solve" it

  • Oct 20, 2020

    along with many other crimes btw

  • Oct 20, 2020

    we must stand up for liberalism and democracy just like we did in cambodia, latin america, and the middle east

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    China's threat to other countries is nothing compared to the US.

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    how is china doing literal genocide relative to the US

  • Oct 20, 2020

    im asking you for an unbiased source

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

    China 1949 to early 1960s
    Albania 1949-53
    East Germany 1950s
    Iran 1953
    Guatemala 1954

    Costa Rica mid-1950s
    Syria 1956-7
    Egypt 1957
    Indonesia 1957-8
    British Guiana 1953-64
    Iraq 1963

    North Vietnam 1945-73
    Cambodia 1955-70
    Laos 1958
    , 1959 , 1960
    Ecuador 1960-63
    Congo 1960

    France 1965
    Brazil 1962-64
    Dominican Republic 1963

    Cuba 1959 to present
    Bolivia 1964
    Indonesia 1965

    Ghana 1966
    Chile 1964-73

    Greece 1967
    Costa Rica 1970-71
    Bolivia 1971

    Australia 1973-75
    Angola 1975, 1980s
    Zaire 1975
    Portugal 1974-76

    Jamaica 1976-80
    Seychelles 1979-81
    Chad 1981-82

    Grenada 1983
    South Yemen 1982-84
    Suriname 1982-84
    Fiji 1987

    Libya 1980s
    Nicaragua 1981-90
    Panama 1989

    Bulgaria 1990
    Albania 1991

    Iraq 1991
    Afghanistan 1980s
    Somalia 1993
    Yugoslavia 1999-2000

    Ecuador 2000
    Afghanistan 2001

    Venezuela 2002
    Iraq 2003

    Haiti 2004
    Somalia 2007 to present
    Honduras 2009

    Libya 2011
    Syria 2012
    Ukraine 2014

    Now can somebody give me China's list?

  • Oct 20, 2020

  • Oct 20, 2020

    China been a majority of all cyber incidents even their state-sponsored "hackers" doing espionage activities.

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    f*** this supposed to mean? yall weirdos really think this s*** is a f***ing game

  • Oct 20, 2020

    F*** China tbh, people thinking bad news about China is ‘propaganda’ are equally as dumb as complot theorists that they hate so much

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