Go get em op! I'm rooting for ya!
said this as a joke but im now fighting against the entire plo online division
Thought this was just a racist thread about corona but there is literally an ongoing genocide against Uyghur Turks in china and nobody gives a single f*** about it and its f***ing sickening
Thought this was just a racist thread about corona but there is literally an ongoing genocide against Uyghur Turks in china and nobody gives a single f*** about it and its f***ing sickening
yeh f*** racists
Thought this was just a racist thread about corona but there is literally an ongoing genocide against Uyghur Turks in china and nobody gives a single f*** about it and its f***ing sickening
source that its any worse than what the US is doing
locking children in cages and incarcerating and exploiting millions of innocent people
source that its any worse than what the US is doing
Would that make it okay if the US had something just as terrible
Would that make it okay if the US had something just as terrible
it wouldn't make it okay but i would question the need for the US to "solve" it
we must stand up for liberalism and democracy just like we did in cambodia, latin america, and the middle east
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
China 1949 to early 1960s
Albania 1949-53
East Germany 1950s
Iran 1953
Guatemala 1954
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Syria 1956-7
Egypt 1957
Indonesia 1957-8
British Guiana 1953-64
Iraq 1963
North Vietnam 1945-73
Cambodia 1955-70
Laos 1958 , 1959 , 1960
Ecuador 1960-63
Congo 1960
France 1965
Brazil 1962-64
Dominican Republic 1963
Cuba 1959 to present
Bolivia 1964
Indonesia 1965
Ghana 1966
Chile 1964-73
Greece 1967
Costa Rica 1970-71
Bolivia 1971
Australia 1973-75
Angola 1975, 1980s
Zaire 1975
Portugal 1974-76
Jamaica 1976-80
Seychelles 1979-81
Chad 1981-82
Grenada 1983
South Yemen 1982-84
Suriname 1982-84
Fiji 1987
Libya 1980s
Nicaragua 1981-90
Panama 1989
Bulgaria 1990
Albania 1991
Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s
Somalia 1993
Yugoslavia 1999-2000
Ecuador 2000
Afghanistan 2001
Venezuela 2002
Iraq 2003
Haiti 2004
Somalia 2007 to present
Honduras 2009
Libya 2011
Syria 2012
Ukraine 2014
Now can somebody give me China's list?
China been a majority of all cyber incidents even their state-sponsored "hackers" doing espionage activities.
f*** this supposed to mean? yall weirdos really think this s*** is a f***ing game