We Be Clubbin and Looking At Me still bang till this day but you can tell both songs were ahead of the curve cause the videos don’t match the song. Especially Looking At Me,niggas really didn’t know how to take that Neptunes sound just yet and made some goofy s***. :hah.
Edit:Lookin At Me don’t work cause it’s a Vimeo vid
I remember when this 1st dropped and pepping the girls in the vid but automatically knowing the video didn’t match the song lol.
A lotta Travis songs have S***TY videos
honestly only good video I can think is mamacita and maybe putp the rest so s***
honestly only good video I can think is mamacita and maybe putp the rest so s***
Personally not a fan of PUTP video at all, I think it’s so laughably terrible, but that’s me. Mamacita video was cool though
I think Travis videos are just a list of unrelated ideas just tossed together randomly.
Personally not a fan of PUTP video at all, I think it’s so laughably terrible, but that’s me. Mamacita video was cool though
I think Travis videos are just a list of unrelated ideas just tossed together randomly.
hence why I said "maybe" I just rewatched putp and you right that s*** was ass lmaooo it had just been years since I seen it. I think I just liked thugs part tbh