His whole argument fell apart when he tried to flex a benz and it turned out to be that piece of junk
His whole argument fell apart when he tried to flex a benz and it turned out to be that piece of junk
C300 boys fuming
people who are 19 or whatever and live at home are tryign to make fun of me on the internet. what a time to be alive
All that money and no Mac
mans weird
a bit younger than that fella but its whatever. i wish i could be pushin foreigns like ur old ass
Move out when you ready. Don't let these people on the internet try to make you feel bad.
As long as you ain't a bum, paying bills, and contributing to the house...leave when you ready
pro tip: if u want a nice car, buy it used.
benz, BMW, audi all do not hold their value. u can pick one up for 1/5 of purchase price after 3-4 years
Let’s see his studio now
baella ive seen what u look like in hte pics of youreslf thread
baella ive seen what u look like in hte pics of youreslf thread
That’s me alright! smol fem boi with long hair
Unrelated, but 'Blood' is a vibe
ive been there... @op
others have mentioned it, so ill re-enforce:
1. I suggest waiting. if you desperately want out, then you did mention youre attending college. living on campus likely more affordable (and much nicer) than an apartment for similar $. secondly you likely wont even get an apt without having a steady income to show to your tenant
2. you could try to get a job...but depending on your city, you'd likely it the job to be above minimum wage AND you'll need to do at least 40 hours a week to pay for the apt + food + you'll have nothing left over for fun. college time is about fun. dont sacrifice that to slave away at a bad job, have no time to study, and have no money to have fun.
some truly horrible advice being given itt
people talm bout moving out is some momentous decision that u need to have all your ducks in a row for. not really. it's not that complicated, you pay the rent, you look after yourself, you learn s*** along the way.
i moved out at 17 and it was f***ing awesome. i was miserable at home. stifled. i wanted to see the big city and experience life!! i had student loans to cover me while i was in Uni. took on some debt, but looking back it was well worth it
the only people i know who stayed living at home past like 20 are f***ing losers. don't listen to these neckbeards trying to drag you down to their level. yes there will be challenges, but that's what life is all about, learning and figuring stuff out. those late teen early 20 years are golden and you need to be experiencing s*** otherwise you might get comfortable being a neckbeard at home and end up like a 40 year old virgin.
any advice you want, just ask. im 29 now. own my own condo downtown, got a benz, got a nice job. got my designer clothes and home studio.
take the plunge OP and get the f*** outta there. don't look back.
Aye chill I'm 24 at home and I ain't no f***ing loser... Just figuring out s***