Cytube classic too
Jumpin Jumpin went up to 6 and stayed there for like a whole minute
Somebody bogus
That’s happened a lot this match
Will smith doesn’t have to cuss to sell records
Well I do, so f*** him and f*** you too
Why do I feel like there’s going to be some sort of appreciation boom that happens with Em at some point this decade.
Feels like people are kind of over relentlessly s***ting on him just because and are coming around to his pre Revival work again.
Imagine smoking weed in the street without cops harassing
Why do I feel like there’s going to be some sort of appreciation boom that happens with Em at some point this decade.
Feels like people are kind of over relentlessly s***ting on him just because and are coming around to his pre Revival work again.
Hope so, I’ve been ready
No, No, No Part 2
! time
Why do I feel like there’s going to be some sort of appreciation boom that happens with Em at some point this decade.
Feels like people are kind of over relentlessly s***ting on him just because and are coming around to his pre Revival work again.
em was honestly more influential on the last decade of rappers than people will give him credit for
nicki, kendrick, xxxtentacion, and early odd future all took different pieces from his formula
Hope so, I’ve been ready
I get people were overcompensating for all the Em d***riding in the early 2010s but it’s time to acknowledge what he did right.
You see the Beyoncé haters are out?
I feel bad for Bey tbh lol This might be the third match she loses