Classic but I like TM102 because he tries to cater to NY ears and I appreciate the respect
@Uhhhhhh @Hndrxx_Free get in here
How long are the rounds? @Kdogone
sick and twisted, still love you tho
I need to get more into TLC tbh haven’t heard a bad song @Extraterrestrial
say my name say my name
I don't like that song
do one minute 30 secs
@Kdogone page 7 start?
How long are the rounds? @Kdogone
First 2 are 3 mins and then 1:30
Cant wait for our match
This one is gonna be tought, cause this is the first time i really really know what u can use and Jeezy is a GOAT for a reason
i dont want no scrub
To get people to join , sometimes people don’t like to if it’s alrwdy multiple rounds in