  • KobeToThe 🇩🇴
    Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro, you’re a legend to me.
    Your avi and name is what I associate KTT1 with @TheRocket64

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I swear everyone who doesn't self censor is called crazy

  • Jul 9, 2020

    No matter the news, it’s always F*** TMZ

  • Jul 9, 2020

  • Jul 9, 2020

    mf kanye been saying since years that he wants to run for the office but fake news media everywhere suddenly shocked asf and making up s***

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Big dragon energy that’s my goat

  • Jul 9, 2020

    We as people see things through our own lens but let me tell you something.

    Nobody is considering what sort of backlash ye may be taking from criticizing JARED KUSHNER and DONALD TRUMP.

    I’m sure those two men feel betrayed and that ye owes them.

    Also these two men are about 50 times more powerful than the people on twitter who kanye hurt their feelings by saying he’s pro life.

    What’s a more likely conversation with Kris and Kim- “you hurt your fans” or “you hurt the relationship with the White House “

    Kanye still supports trump tho lmao

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    The crazy thing is you can’t even prove Bi-Polar exists. These are just buzzwords, yet people are talking like this is some bona fide disease

    Psychiatry is a money making scam,

    just because it doesn't effect your bubble doesn't mean it doesn't exist

  • Jul 9, 2020

    I swear everyone who doesn't self censor is called crazy

    its not so much that he's not censoring himself, its that his thoughts are fragmented and almost incoherent. I feel like I can "see" his train of thought because he's practically narrating it on those forbes tapes. Would also fit the description of someone ramping up on a manic episode. Inb4 he says he hasn't slept in a few days

  • Jul 9, 2020

    He was going off on making his presidential organisation model based around WAKANDA and people think he was normal during the interview?

    Next time just tell us you didn’t read the whole article

  • Jul 9, 2020

    The crazy thing is you can’t even prove Bi-Polar exists. These are just buzzwords, yet people are talking like this is some bona fide disease

    Psychiatry is a money making scam,

    LMAO the ignorance too strong in this post

  • Jul 9, 2020

    He didn't swear allegiance to Biden so they gotta come after him and call him crazy. So predictable at this point.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Bro, you’re a legend to me.
    Your avi and name is what I associate KTT1 with @TheRocket64

    Aww thanks bro!! You just made my day haha <3 Much love!!

  • Jul 10, 2020
    2 replies
    Zach LaBeam

    just because it doesn't effect your bubble doesn't mean it doesn't exist

    As someone who read the DSM5 (diagnostics standards manual 5), the book psychologists reference to learn how to diagnose people, it's clearly bullshit.

    It starts off specifically stating that psychology is a pseudoscience that is constantly changing in ways that invalidate previously understood knowledge. It makes it very clear that these titles are still vaguely understood and rewritten every 5 years.

    Bipolar disorder is simply a cycle of mania and depression. If your grandma dies and 6 months later you land a sick ass job, you're bipolar. Anyone who experiences emotions can be diagnosed with a mental disorder, it's pretty ridiculous.

  • Jul 10, 2020

    Name one genius that aint crazy

  • Jul 10, 2020

    As someone who read the DSM5 (diagnostics standards manual 5), the book psychologists reference to learn how to diagnose people, it's clearly bullshit.

    It starts off specifically stating that psychology is a pseudoscience that is constantly changing in ways that invalidate previously understood knowledge. It makes it very clear that these titles are still vaguely understood and rewritten every 5 years.

    Bipolar disorder is simply a cycle of mania and depression. If your grandma dies and 6 months later you land a sick ass job, you're bipolar. Anyone who experiences emotions can be diagnosed with a mental disorder, it's pretty ridiculous.

    Whats the problem with a field being willing to admit that we don't know everything there is to know about the brain, and that future discoveries might render current practices moot or outright wrong? Is astrophysics pseudo science as well, since new discoveries are made from time to time? Would you rather it be like religion and say "this is right, its always going to be right and anyone who questions it is wrong?" the point is there is empirical data proving that the practices and medication we have today for treating bipolar disorder are more effective than no treatment.

  • Jul 10, 2020
    1 reply

    As someone who read the DSM5 (diagnostics standards manual 5), the book psychologists reference to learn how to diagnose people, it's clearly bullshit.

    It starts off specifically stating that psychology is a pseudoscience that is constantly changing in ways that invalidate previously understood knowledge. It makes it very clear that these titles are still vaguely understood and rewritten every 5 years.

    Bipolar disorder is simply a cycle of mania and depression. If your grandma dies and 6 months later you land a sick ass job, you're bipolar. Anyone who experiences emotions can be diagnosed with a mental disorder, it's pretty ridiculous.

    Also, "my grandma died im really sad" isnt clinical depression..

  • Jul 10, 2020
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Also, "my grandma died im really sad" isnt clinical depression..

    There's a clear difference between a science founded on a logical foundation and one that isn't. Also, "my grandma died" isn't depression obviously, my point was that depression and other "mental illnesses" always have an environmental cause that won't be fixed with medication or therapy.

  • Jul 10, 2020

    There's a clear difference between a science founded on a logical foundation and one that isn't. Also, "my grandma died" isn't depression obviously, my point was that depression and other "mental illnesses" always have an environmental cause that won't be fixed with medication or therapy.

    People a couple hundred years ago believed we were made up of "humungoloid" tiny molecular versions of ourselves, we just recently became not dumb-dumbs bro, that goes for all sciences. This is all new s***, but s*** that has been replicated time after time under the same conditions, its what we have to go off of. Until Elon and president Ye hit us with the Neuralink 350, this is what we have to off of
