that track Wig'n by C.O.A Babii is one of the hardest songs I've heard in yrs
true classic
that track Wig'n by C.O.A Babii is one of the hardest songs I've heard in yrs
true classic
This song went DIAMOND at Galaxy Skateway
@op the first song has a sample that's used in another popular song u know what I'm talking bout?
words can’t describe the feeling i get from this sound. real FL tunes, being club aged around this time prolly went stupid
@op the first song has a sample that's used in another popular song u know what I'm talking bout?
Yep, another Florida classic even though he's from Jersey I think(?)
Yep, another Florida classic even though he's from Jersey I think(?)
! nigga this is it, thank u so much gang
they gentrifying jook 😔