How come i cant make my threass
I know im an old man but for f***s sake im barely 10 threads in and some of these people have damn near 100 threads
To the owner of this website, thank you.
When i have an idea i just want to post it i dont want to have to write it down and wait for the time when i can post the idea
To the owner of this website, thank you.
Is it fun to be a lame little p****? Hehe just joshin ya
Is it fun to be a lame little p****? Hehe just joshin ya
You can try it ill probably strangle you to death like i did my cell mate in prison you grade A f***boy
You talking to me? Ill take your corny ass to the cleaners little b****
who is this old geezer??
When i have an idea i just want to post it i dont want to have to write it down and wait for the time when i can post the idea
Dude be in character
Geriatrics wild
Hi John, I’m the « owner » of this site as you call it. I’m pretty sure you’re well aware that the threads you make are not very well thought out and just distract from more well designed threads. While it is true that others have more threads, keep in mind that also they have experienced deleted threads. I’m afraid that a certain level of quality control is needed on this site in order for it to hold the same entertainment value for the public. If we get the public we get the advertisements. They keep the site afloat and will make it possible for you to s***post. So indirectely deleting your threads helps you. Hope that explains it a bit.
Hi John, I’m the « owner » of this site as you call it. I’m pretty sure you’re well aware that the threads you make are not very well thought out and just distract from more well designed threads. While it is true that others have more threads, keep in mind that also they have experienced deleted threads. I’m afraid that a certain level of quality control is needed on this site in order for it to hold the same entertainment value for the public. If we get the public we get the advertisements. They keep the site afloat and will make it possible for you to s***post. So indirectely deleting your threads helps you. Hope that explains it a bit.
Ya well i think yer fulla s***!