it was my birthday the other day and i just hit an age that sounded fake to me when i was younger and honestly i still feel young as hell. im young and out here getting it with no stress. i felt older than when i was like 22 tbh
I’m hearing 30s > 20s. feel old when you’re over the hill.
financially it may seem like it but the way america is going lol 30s seem even worse
financially it may seem like it but the way america is going lol 30s seem even worse
idk man i feel like if you stick to it and keep improving life only gets better as time goes on. there’s ups and downs but generally things get better
Ik bro but if i stop my online s*** then i cant afford the place im living at rn. If i get a job i have the risk of getting fired cause my online stuff. S*** is stressful fr and iv been going thru it
Try going into a job express they be finding you jobs in like 2 weeks max that’s how I started they cut the middle man and just find you a job themselves don’t even have to do a interview lol well at least I didn’t
idk man i feel like if you stick to it and keep improving life only gets better as time goes on. there’s ups and downs but generally things get better
it’s like ik things are gonna get better for me but s*** in the world just seems less likely to get better , ik that i can’t let things i can’t control affect me but i’m just expecting too many things to fall apart tbh
it’s like ik things are gonna get better for me but s*** in the world just seems less likely to get better , ik that i can’t let things i can’t control affect me but i’m just expecting too many things to fall apart tbh
the world has always been a scary place. think about medicine, diseases, quality of food, transportation, communication like 50 years ago. everybody was so scared about computers and how they were gonna displace jobs and everything. it all seems funny in hindsight. world is always gonna seem scary and like this is the end but we’ll be fine just keep pushing and enjoy the day
I am 22 never had a job only way i stay financially stable has been s***work online since i was 18 i live in brooklyn nyc and soon ai is going to replace me and i will be back in my parents house by the age of 25 probably. I am stressing about my age yes
no wonder we get along so well we have a lot of similarities :o
@CutiePieHole ai not gonna replace u tho
the world has always been a scary place. think about medicine, diseases, quality of food, transportation, communication like 50 years ago. everybody was so scared about computers and how they were gonna displace jobs and everything. it all seems funny in hindsight. world is always gonna seem scary and like this is the end but we’ll be fine just keep pushing and enjoy the day
fr lol people been fear mongering since the beginning of time.
I mean the tribal chief is 38 ! @DonJulio and bro had everyone bowing
Acknowledge Him ☝🏽
Realizing I’m the same age as Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix were when they died kinda f***ed me up, ngl.
Older than Biggie and Pac too
I am 22 never had a job only way i stay financially stable has been s***work online since i was 18 i live in brooklyn nyc and soon ai is going to replace me and i will be back in my parents house by the age of 25 probably. I am stressing about my age yes
Is this true?
I feel young as hell at 27. Most my friends in they 30s now, my girl 30, life is what you make it and I feel very satisfied with where I’m at. I have a great job and great situations all around I love getting older
I can’t believe I turn 30 this year, I definitely do not feel like it.
It is what it is, but I’m not happy about it lmao
22 years young cant believe I started being here at 19
Maybe its time to move on
22 years young cant believe I started being here at 19
Maybe its time to move on
Whats funny about it
I feel young as hell at 27. Most my friends in they 30s now, my girl 30, life is what you make it and I feel very satisfied with where I’m at. I have a great job and great situations all around I love getting older
That's great but if you dating a 30 year old and can't mommy roleplay you definitely old