February 22, 2022 is a palindrome day and it falls on a Tuesday, the second day of the week 🤯 This is the last 222 Day of the century. This sequence will not be seen until 2/2/2222.
Happy 2's Day!
only time zone that matters is Eastern so its 2/21/22
EST - Earth Standard Time
only time zone that matters is Eastern so its 2/21/22
pacific you bozo
Infinite energy
22 is the number of chaos. Iirc, it’s a master number in freemasonry.
in ✨
Infinite energy
22 is the number of chaos. Iirc, it’s a master number in freemasonry.
only time zone that matters is Eastern so its 2/21/22
thats how you canadians write the date too?
thats how you canadians write the date too?
i actually don’t know it’s just how i write it
my grandma’s 67th birthday
happy birthday 🥳 tell her i said her grandson a baddie
happy birthday 🥳 tell her i said her grandson a baddie
boy stopppp u making me blush ☺️🙈