I'm not afraid to say black rappers are just popular addicts
If I was black they would've said that all my lyrics were conscious
But I'm white so they're labelled ignorant and obnoxious
I'm racist for hating on all the mumble rap content
Because they're black and black people have created the genre
Did a racist AI write this
Is he really trying to act like “it’s just a ghost” cos of the title? Is anybody really that naive? Who tf does this guy think he’s fooling? If this isn’t a troll and he’s being serious about this then he’s the dumbest mf alive... and an obvious racist!
Hopsin really called black people neanthertals, then got arrested for being black
Idk that's whatever...
but atleast dude doens't make mumble rap and he actualy raps about real s***.
I know for a fact Joyner and Eminem look down on him and nods his head and says to thereselves "damn at least rap isn't f***ing dead yet." and smiles.
Idk that's whatever...
but atleast dude doens't make mumble rap and he actualy raps about real s***.
I know for a fact Joyner and Eminem look down on him and nods his head and says to thereselves "damn at least rap isn't f***ing dead yet." and smiles.
Is he really trying to act like “it’s just a ghost” cos of the title? Is anybody really that naive? Who tf does this guy think he’s fooling? If this isn’t a troll and he’s being serious about this then he’s the dumbest mf alive... and an obvious racist!
It's supposed to be a Subliminal message to his fanbase