Who's in for the Tom Petty album listening sessions starting January??
We are starting with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers next week! We will go in chronological order.
@RVI @Kopain @Jerry_Seinfeld @Tubig @WaltDisneyOG @Koala @Bushmanate @WRU @TrussMe
We are starting with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers next week! We will go in chronological order.
@RVI @Kopain @Jerry_Seinfeld @Tubig @WaltDisneyOG @Koala @Bushmanate @WRU @TrussMe
everyone gonna be hooked in as soon as they hear Breakdown...
We are starting with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers next week! We will go in chronological order.
@RVI @Kopain @Jerry_Seinfeld @Tubig @WaltDisneyOG @Koala @Bushmanate @WRU @TrussMe
We will be there.
We are starting with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers next week! We will go in chronological order.
@RVI @Kopain @Jerry_Seinfeld @Tubig @WaltDisneyOG @Koala @Bushmanate @WRU @TrussMe
hit me up for into the great wide open (not like his other stuff isnt amazing though)
hit me up for into the great wide open (not like his other stuff isnt amazing though)
You have no intention of joining us for the other albums? Frankly, I am quite disappoined.
You have no intention of joining us for the other albums? Frankly, I am quite disappoined.
timezone difference might be significant so ill prob have to plan each of these in advance and respectfully thats kinda tough
timezone difference might be significant so ill prob have to plan each of these in advance and respectfully thats kinda tough
We will not be listening at the same time. Everyone will have a week to listen and post their thoughts ITT.
We will not be listening at the same time. Everyone will have a week to listen and post their thoughts ITT.
ah count me in then excited for the latter part of his discog more than his 70s and 80s stuff tbh
We are starting with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers next week! We will go in chronological order.
@RVI @Kopain @Jerry_Seinfeld @Tubig @WaltDisneyOG @Koala @Bushmanate @WRU @TrussMe
We have lost a soldier. Please post ITT to change his mind..
We have lost a soldier. Please post ITT to change his mind..
Week 1 | Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Just listen at any point in the week you can and come ITT for discussion!
@rvi @Kopain @Jerry_Seinfeld @Tubig @WaltDisneyOG @Koala @Bushmanate @WRU @TrussMe
ima be first I guess
im not familiar with TP&TH's impact, but I do love their music. I am only familiar with tom petty and the band through their albums; I still got a bunch of books to read and listen through, as well as some documentaries and concert videos. my opinions might not represent how it 'really was' as far as im concerned
album one shows potential and a steady sound going for the band. it has some tracks that I know like Breakdown, but a lot of it is kinda uneventful. the playing is here but the songs arent. the entire thing of course is known not for those but for one track in particular: American Girl. a lot of Petty's music can be qualified as melodramatic and often overly epic, and either its me growing tired of it over time or one of their biggest songs really is a bit too melodramatic for my liking. its still a great track tho and all in all a solid bunch of songs on this one
@Danny we still doing this big man?
Absolutely. My review will be up later tonight and I will put in the next album. Busy week, sorry!
I think Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers is a solid debut, but not one you'll ever find me clamor over. A straightforward record showing promise and potential, but also a record that leaves you expecting a tad more. This band is one who really found their footing later on for me. Given by the lack of response for this album ITT, I imagine the Petty Boys do relate to this sentiment?
Breakdown & American Girl obvious standouts, Luna & The Wild One, Forever being my other favorites.
Week 2 | Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - You're Gonna Get It!
Just listen at any point in the week you can and come ITT for discussion!
@rvi @Kopain @Jerry_Seinfeld @Tubig @WaltDisneyOG @Koala @Bushmanate @WRU @TrussMe @KnightmareLeague
I wanted to do a double feat with album two and Damn the Torpedoes, but didnt get to listen to the latter
You're Gonna Get It is very easily lost between the debut album that had some redeeming qualities (that being two popular tracks from the bands discography) and Damn the Torpedoes which I guess was their breakthrough album. the thing I like about TP&H overall is that every album of theirs has at least a few good songs, and if not that then enjoyable melodies and harmonies, some sort of musical ideas that get developed with varying degrees of success
all that to say I think that You're Gonna Get It is a lot of such ideas and once again theres potential yet to be explored. I could see it being some fans' personal favorite, I think its fine and a good time while listening to it
dam people Don't Do OP Like That..
I was gonna quote u a few days back announcing the cancellation because this has been left for dead by the people but I was hoping u forgot all about this so I could spare us the heartache
I was gonna quote u a few days back announcing the cancellation because this has been left for dead by the people but I was hoping u forgot all about this so I could spare us the heartache
I no joke was thinking about listening to those all week and leave a write up here. I even watched a video about tom the other day. hope youre not too upset though, I often had a hard time launching some type of long-term discussion on here and I know it takes effort to update your threads regularly and also hopefully find some people who are into the subject as much as you are
I no joke was thinking about listening to those all week and leave a write up here. I even watched a video about tom the other day. hope youre not too upset though, I often had a hard time launching some type of long-term discussion on here and I know it takes effort to update your threads regularly and also hopefully find some people who are into the subject as much as you are
It is what it is, I knew from before this would be very niche with not much interest so my expectations were tempered. I was hoping for just a tiny bit more interest than this though. GTA VI stimulus was a lie!