Niggas is going through real s***, man they outta work
That's why another got damn dance track, gotta hurt
This was the worst part of the song. If it never had an official vid it would’ve been Hotline Bling level
Solo niggas on they Yolo for real
Heard alot about you but we don't know for real
Next time guarantee the truth will get revealed
Actual classic
wym “aged” song is still very new
hasnt even been a year and niggas talking about aging
shows how disposable this niggas music has become
Hasn't even been a year and op talking "aged like fine wine"
That lets me know how bad op really thinks the song is
Remember when Drake stans tried to gas up Greece and act like it's the best thing ever made
Remember when Drake stans tried to gas up Greece and act like it's the best thing ever made
Greece is a good song though. I feel like if he didn’t copy Frank with the voice pitch it would’ve been a hit
Remember when Drake stans tried to gas up Greece and act like it's the best thing ever made
Pitched down Greece is dope but he decided to clone Weeknd for the official version