mad people on tiktok are just tagging videos toosieslide to get more views of s*** that isnt even the dance tho, a portion of that number is people tryna ride the hype for personal gain
Ye that’s how hashtags be working tbh, they add any hashtags that’s trending to get more views
mad people on tiktok are just tagging videos toosieslide to get more views of s*** that isnt even the dance tho, a portion of that number is people tryna ride the hype for personal gain
That's the case for every challenge that goes viral, not just Toosie Slide.
@thegreatdivine This is going debut 1 right?
It was less than 11,000 streams to being #1 WW on Spotify
For me this song will be more worldwide than local US
also back to #1 on UK spotify. not sure if it can challenge BL for #1 in UK this week tho
Bless. Can I ask, how did you get so knowledgeable about charting/billboard rankings? You’ve been one of the most informed in the thread among others ofc.
Bless. Can I ask, how did you get so knowledgeable about charting/billboard rankings? You’ve been one of the most informed in the thread among others ofc.
follow pulse forums
they have threads each week predicting and discussing about the billboard 100/200 charts
For me this song will be more worldwide than local US
Funny enough, it's starting to seem so.
follow pulse forums
they have threads each week predicting and discussing about the billboard 100/200 charts
Good looking out boss!
Bless. Can I ask, how did you get so knowledgeable about charting/billboard rankings? You’ve been one of the most informed in the thread among others ofc.
I've been a chart watcher for a while. I'm on forums that predict charts and I follow a bunch of other people online who predict as well.
Fingers crossed, it doesn't lose too many radio impressions in tomorrow's radio update.
Fingers crossed, it doesn't lose too many radio impressions in tomorrow's radio update.
I thought the cut off was last night
I don’t think there’s a chance it doesn’t go #1
It doubled #2’s streams
I thought the cut off was last night
I don’t think there’s a chance it doesn’t go #1
It doubled #2’s streams
I know. It's debuting at #1 no doubt. I just don't want it to drop too much on radio tomorrow.
When will chardata post a tweet about which is #1?
Chartdata doesn’t break who goes #1 they just repost from Billboard btw
Does Billboard still do the countdown show?
I thought the cut off was last night
I don’t think there’s a chance it doesn’t go #1
It doubled #2’s streams
cut off for streaming was last night, but they track radio on different days for some reason.
cut off for streaming was last night, but they track radio on different days for some reason.
Ahh bet
Tikker hashtag is at 1.4 billi now lamo