He also had to use bundles for Heartless to debut at #1. Dude's career is all smokes and mirrors now.
Bundles really shouldn’t even be a thing at this point. It gives a such a false perception.
Bundles really shouldn’t even be a thing at this point. It gives a such a false perception.
It's all fake. Artists aren't using them for fans. They're using them strictly to boost their numbers. My Heartless vinyl still hasn't been delivered. It's been almost 5 months. And Abel has released bundles every single week since Heartless dropped in November last year. It's outrageous.
Whats crazy is that dude literallly is bundling 100s of items
Its not just like shirts or whatever
Dude bundling stickers and s***
I don't mind them in regards to get the merch out to fans because hey, who doesn't like merch, but after 100 different options it just looks a little bad
Also it helps people still obtain physical copies since they are becoming harder to get
I don’t disagree. I just think the current rules in place are a joke.
Just know as soon as Drake starts using bundles, people will make it a problem
Even though he is one of the last major artist to have never used them... And he gets no praise for that 🙄
It's all fake. Artists aren't using them for fans. They're using them strictly to boost their numbers. My Heartless vinyl still hasn't been delivered. It's been almost 5 months. And Abel has released bundles every single week since Heartless dropped in November last year. It's outrageous.
You’re absolutely correct. It’s pathetic. It’s more than just embellishing the truth, it’s highkey just fraudulent behaviour. Cool if it’s for the first week, but week after week, come on. Like you said, it really shows who’s in it just for numbers (which ironically they say this about Drake and his fans), and who’s in it for their actual craft. Shouldn’t you just let the music speak for itself? Guess not.
I hate to say it, but I was one of the people on Nicki when she was ranting and raving about Travis bundling everything back in 2018. Looking back now, it really was unfair even though she definitely spoke out for her own selfish reasons. I respect the fact that Drake has yet to have used bundles, however I can imagine the meltdowns that it would cause when/if he eventually does. Goalposts will be moved too. Like someone mentioned earlier, Drake would be guaranteed to sell over 1+ million copies if he was to make that move, but people will definitely highlight that it was indeed the bundles. I don’t see that for any of these other artists, but I digress.
Wtf is a vinyl for a single?
Like wtf is that
A vinyl that plays one song? Lmao
Why tf would anyone want that
I hate to say it, but I was one of the people on Nicki when she was ranting and raving about Travis bundling everything back in 2018. Looking back now, it really was unfair even though she definitely spoke out for her own selfish reasons. I respect the fact that Drake has yet to have used bundles, however I can imagine the meltdowns that it would cause when/if he eventually does. Goalposts will be moved too. Like someone mentioned earlier, Drake would be guaranteed to sell over 1+ million copies if he was to make that move, but people will definitely highlight that it was indeed the bundles. I don’t see that for any of these other artists, but I digress.
Kendrick low key started the trend with Damn.
Just know as soon as Drake starts using bundles, people will make it a problem
Even though he is one of the last major artist to have never used them... And he gets no praise for that 🙄
He should use them since everyone uses them now. He should play the game, too. Anyone who wants to b**** about it will be redirected to several other artists who have done the exact same thing.
Kendrick low key started the trend with Damn.
Kendrick is definitely using bundles whenever he drops his next album. For sure.
Kendrick is definitely using bundles whenever he drops his next album. For sure.
He did it with Damn, autographed vinyls, tees, etc.
Kendrick low key started the trend with Damn.
Not a peep was made either. He just wasn’t as thirsty as the successors.
Not a peep was made either. He just wasn’t as thirsty as the successors.
There never is, these are the people that they want to beat Drake. The game will never be called evenly.
I forgot
They're not going to publicize anyone's shortcomings,unless its Drake.
I hate to say it, but I was one of the people on Nicki when she was ranting and raving about Travis bundling everything back in 2018. Looking back now, it really was unfair even though she definitely spoke out for her own selfish reasons. I respect the fact that Drake has yet to have used bundles, however I can imagine the meltdowns that it would cause when/if he eventually does. Goalposts will be moved too. Like someone mentioned earlier, Drake would be guaranteed to sell over 1+ million copies if he was to make that move, but people will definitely highlight that it was indeed the bundles. I don’t see that for any of these other artists, but I digress.
What made Nicki’s whole rant null and void was her being hypocritical. She came in 2nd place at playing the same game. She had bundles too just didn’t finesse as well as Travis.