Was kinda boring at first but it started picking up and it got real interesting towards the end
the only thing I cant stop thinking about is the girl who plays Phoenix. She's bad af man
Love her too
Surprised this isn’t getting more hype on here, that 3rd act still got me in a tizzy
about to watch in a couple hours, hearing great things about this
haven’t seen top gun but Tony Scott did some of my favourite movies oat, miss that guy
the reactions itt & from irl people are making this sound like a must see tho, gonna watch the original movie first before i catch it
This thing is potentially on an insane box office run. might genuinely the best box office story in years tom really is the last movie star
got my tickets for imax tonight
This thing is potentially on an insane box office run. might genuinely the best box office story in years tom really is the last movie star
got my tickets for imax tonight
This s*** selling out
These jet sound got my d*** hard
Looked at the reviews and it's suprisingly and overwhelmingly positive for a sequel of a classic movie
Sometimes legacy sequels have this feeling that every character in the movie has seen the og. Like the characters are in on the joke or aware that they’re existing in an old ip in modern times and need to subvert that, but this doesn’t have that feeling at all. It’s just an earnest block buster
Some of the best action I’ve ever seen on screen and I’m 100% sure Hollywood is gonna get all the wrong lessons from this movies success lmaooo
This s*** selling out
My 10:30pm imax showing was almost completely full
So which country is storing this secret uranium?
That’s the thing
Both the first one and this one made the enemy vague
Like who it is isn’t important
That’s the thing
Both the first one and this one made the enemy vague
Like who it is isn’t important
Yup this doesn’t have a clear antagonist