the scene right after they pull over the mountain and everyone is giving eachother call outs as they dodge the missiles. :damn2: the way the overlap eachother and the shot of everything going on
such an incredible little moment. final 30 minutes really the best action ive ever seen in a theater
Saw it for a second time. So f***ing good.
First movie was a lot of fun - but the last 30 minutes of this movie has some of the most exhilarating action I've ever seen.
One of the best sequels and action movies ever.
And his entirely obvious and hokey a\*\*\*\*\*\* to loveable heroic a\*\*\*\*\*\* arc was so good
It was super sunny when I came out the theatre and this movie just made me happy to be out in it
never watched the OG for some reason, but really liked this movie. can tell it was beautifully crafted for OG fans
Tom Cruise goated
I’m late to this movie does anyone know any good interviews with the cast where they talk about training/filming it?
I wanna hear all about the flying and g force(?) and I might potentially shave down to just my moustache and develop a pilot based personality
I’m late to this movie does anyone know any good interviews with the cast where they talk about training/filming it?
I wanna hear all about the flying and g force(?) and I might potentially shave down to just my moustache and develop a pilot based personality
the cast had to press record on their own scenes when they were in the jets
the cast had to press record on their own scenes when they were in the jets
This exactly what I wanted
You could legit see their faces flapping from the force some of the best s*** I’ve ever seen in a motion picture
I’m late to this movie does anyone know any good interviews with the cast where they talk about training/filming it?
I wanna hear all about the flying and g force(?) and I might potentially shave down to just my moustache and develop a pilot based personality
5:07 Interview with the director.
Talks about setting up the cameras on the planes (actors had to hit record in the air and then watch the material with the crew and the director to see if they got it right) and more
Clip about filming the end
It’s really cool like blockbuster action movies are becoming top tier cinema this year. You don’t have to wait till Oscar season and watch a indie drama movie to watch a great movie Top gun, the Batman, everything everywhere, and the Northman are all great and everyone is watching them. Don’t forget we still got bullet train and avatar 2 coming out this year.
Yeah absolutely go see it in theaters for the full experience
One jet was so fast and loud a lady jumped out her seat
I thought it was a great experience. Saw in imax. The soundtrack married the visuals so well.
I kinda liked the over the top dramatic back and forth in the dialogue.
I thought this movie was gonna have a bigger conversation about the humanity in war vs technological evolution.
I thought it was a great experience. Saw in imax. The soundtrack married the visuals so well.
I kinda liked the over the top dramatic back and forth in the dialogue.
I thought this movie was gonna have a bigger conversation about the humanity in war vs technological evolution.
Movie was goat but your last point is true I heard multiple early reports about that what it was going to be about.
Movie was goat but your last point is true I heard multiple early reports about that what it was going to be about.
Oh were early reports saying the same thing
Oh were early reports saying the same thing
Yeah to my understanding it was going to focus on the concept of manpower vs drones
Yeah to my understanding it was going to focus on the concept of manpower vs drones
Damn I felt like the layout for it is evident throughout the film. And I had just watched the episode of Gundam Wing were someone lays down their life for a similar reason, right before I left for the theater
one of the best movies this year.
mach 10 scene in the beginning >>>
shot of Maverick jet in the skyline