Always loved What For?. Cool how Chaz is returning to the guitars, but with a different sound and style. MAHAL is sounding super chill
It's incredible how every pretty much single Toro y Moi album is different.
Me too! I never got the hate that album got from other Chaz fans it has some of his best songs Imo. But you’re right every album does have a different vibe. I’m excited to hear the rest.
Honestly I feel like this album is gonna be better as a whole, not as individual singles. Listening to the tracks in order and it’s pretty enjoyable
Got my hands on a physical copy of this early.
No lie this might be a top 5 aoty contender when all is said and done
@MrIndigo96 think i've seen you post about toro y moi. This is so fire
Postman is such a f***ing vibe
Really excited to hear this in full, had to stop listening to the singles as they were coming out because it felt like he was releasing like half the album at a certain point haha
Toro bout to silently drop one of the best albums of the year like he does every time. Toro had a top 10 album of every year he dropped imo
I think I prefer the Boo Boo/Outer Peace sound direction to this but it really isnt making much of a difference because im addicted to all the singles
Toro bout to silently drop one of the best albums of the year like he does every time. Toro had a top 10 album of every year he dropped imo
I think I prefer the Boo Boo/Outer Peace sound direction to this but it really isnt making much of a difference because im addicted to all the singles
Really wanted him to return that Anything in Return sound
Lmao this gotta be the most random answer I've ever received