Need to know what the protections on the pick are and Agbaji is a young player with upside but right now all I got is
Need to know what the protections on the pick are and Agbaji is a young player with upside but right now all I got is
Maybe they trying to flip Kelly with a package of Bruce Brown, GTJ, and Thaddeus Young
Spurs fan here.
I hope we can find a way to get y'all top 6 protected pick in this year's NBA Draft. But I have a feeling that the Raptors are gonna keep it this year though.
I straight up knew the league was gonna make an example of him. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
As the third team in a trade, whatever we get back, I'm confident it will benefit us in the long run (getting rid of BB, CB, etc)
@Vietbrah thoughts on our interest in trading for BI?
@Vietbrah thoughts on our interest in trading for BI?
If it’s for BB + Kelly and picks I wouldn’t be opposed to it, he’d be a good fit next to Scottie. How do you feel about giving up RJ for him tho?
If it’s for BB + Kelly and picks I wouldn’t be opposed to it, he’d be a good fit next to Scottie. How do you feel about giving up RJ for him tho?
I wouldn't do it if it’s for RJ, just doesnt make sense. RJ is 24 and under contract for 3 more years, giving him up for an expiring BI that will prob leave in the summer is bad business. Id be cheesed if hes in the package if it does happen. Ur right, BB + KO and a second or few would do it. Some guy messaged me on twitter saying thats the deal on the table that we made. Let’s see if hes right. BIs value is so low rn due to his absence and injury, getting him for that package is a steal. Tank out this year, get coop or ace or dylan. Go hard all 2026 with a healthy BI. Sounds like an excellent plan by the FO. maybe Masai and Bobby r having backdoor convos with his camp to convince him to resign on a 2+1 deal, so that we can be competitive with him and Scottie and RJ all together.
it’s gonna happen @Vietbrah
it’s gonna happen @Vietbrah