  • Oct 21, 2020

    when black girls say you're crazy they mean everything that comes out your mouth is a lie lol

    i mean i guess but we cant just assume thats what she said though when she didnt say that is all im sayin

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Does she not have a wound on her foot? Did a gun not go off? It already happened dude

    did you even watch the live? you’re being incredibly hypocritical. We’ve heard meg’s side for months and you’re fuming because we decided we wanted to hear tory’s side as well

    I want the truth to come out, and if tory is guilty then i hope justice is served. Simple as that

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Either the situation is more muddy than we can imagine rn or Tory is the biggest sociopath in history


  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    So why should I believe him over her

    You shouldn't believe anyone without the facts...I think that's the major point here.

    I don't believe anyone here, however Tory has pointed out major flaws and inconsistencies within Meg's story whereas the only thing she said is "Tory shot me"

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    U shouldn’t believe anyone.


  • Oct 21, 2020

    Either the situation is more muddy than we can imagine rn or Tory is the biggest sociopath in history

    both tbh

  • Oct 21, 2020
    2 replies

    this guy said she lied about being shot cuz she couldn’t handle memes 🤯🤯🤯🤯

  • Oct 21, 2020


    big if true

  • Oct 21, 2020
    3 replies
    hey man relax

    did you even watch the live? you’re being incredibly hypocritical. We’ve heard meg’s side for months and you’re fuming because we decided we wanted to hear tory’s side as well

    I want the truth to come out, and if tory is guilty then i hope justice is served. Simple as that

    This situation is so f***ed dude people will demonize you for simply wanting the truth

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply


    Because we don’t know what happened

  • Oct 21, 2020

    How has this gone on for so long

    If the courts saying they got video evidence

    If there's a witness

    If there's a gun shot wound

    Then wtf hasn't this been solved yet

  • Oct 21, 2020

    This nigga Ak playing audio of a nigga who says he was Tory’s bodyguard that night but he don’t even know if that’s really his bodyguard lmaooooo son

  • Oct 21, 2020
    2 replies

    I need to see what the hospital staff say in court... That's all
    they know how to determine gunshot wounds
    Add the investigators who probably have a ballistic expert on the case..

    We don't need to hear meg/tory talk. Science alone will tell us what most likely did/did not happen better than both of them can.

  • Oct 21, 2020

    This situation is so f***ed dude people will demonize you for simply wanting the truth

    Saying we hate women just cause we don’t wanna bash Tory for doing something so outta character until we actually know what happened

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    This nigga Ak playing audio of a nigga who says he was Tory’s bodyguard that night but he don’t even know if that’s really his bodyguard lmaooooo son

    The original recording is Akademiks audio talking to the bodyguard lol 😭😭

  • Oct 21, 2020

    this guy said she lied about being shot cuz she couldn’t handle memes 🤯🤯🤯🤯

    I mean to be fair she didn't handle them well

    Literally went on live to explain the situation to complete strangers on the internet lol

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Either the situation is more muddy than we can imagine rn or Tory is the biggest sociopath in history

    He doesn't strike me as the psycho type to be fair
    But obviously I don't know him

    But I know from experience if you go to the hospital for a bullet wound, they will directly report it to the cops. And there's no way the cops wouldn't have arrested him by now had the bullet come from his gun

  • Oct 21, 2020

    this guy said she lied about being shot cuz she couldn’t handle memes 🤯🤯🤯🤯

    Lol interesting flip though

    Wasn't complaining about the memes the first thing she said publicly about this

  • Oct 21, 2020
    3 replies

    You shouldn't believe anyone without the facts...I think that's the major point here.

    I don't believe anyone here, however Tory has pointed out major flaws and inconsistencies within Meg's story whereas the only thing she said is "Tory shot me"

    So he can’t be lying?

  • Oct 21, 2020

    Lmao alright I'm done with that convo

  • Oct 21, 2020

    I need to see what the hospital staff say in court... That's all
    they know how to determine gunshot wounds
    Add the investigators who probably have a ballistic expert on the case..

    We don't need to hear meg/tory talk. Science alone will tell us what most likely did/did not happen better than both of them can.

    I don’t believe in science

  • Oct 21, 2020

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    -Can't fully explain what happen for legal reasons like you said so he went ghost for 3 months as to not put his family in jeopardy
    -Dropped music because that was the best way to get all of what was happening off his chest. He dropped it on his momma's birthday (also the day she died?)
    -Says he wasn't behind all the PR stuff that Meg accused him of doing when she went live
    -Asks why Meg would hop back in the car with them after she was shot
    -Asks how she fooled medical professionals when she said it was glass

    ngl it all kinda makes sense

    Asks why Meg would hop back in the car with them after she was shot

    this could easily be explained tho
    if im a chick and im leaving a vehicle a nigga doesnt want me to leave and he shoot me in the muhfuckin feet im hobbling back in that b**** not tryna die

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    He doesn't strike me as the psycho type to be fair
    But obviously I don't know him

    But I know from experience if you go to the hospital for a bullet wound, they will directly report it to the cops. And there's no way the cops wouldn't have arrested him by now had the bullet come from his gun

    He was arrested

  • Skydweller

    besides saying he didn't do it he hasn't provided anything to assure his innocence. While on the other hand it's confirmed someone did indeed shoot Meg, leading to Tory as the shooter.

    I mean yeah, you can take a linear approach like that and I did too when the story first dropped and meg hadn't said anything but there are still a lot we don't know and could have happened that make him innocent like the idea ppl in the car were fighting over the gun and it was fired accidentally.

    If this wasn't as serious as it is, I would say Tory did it but someone could have died that night and I'm not gonna pin that on tory unless a lot gets cleared up
