lmao he saying she was never shot and she lied out of embarrassment ?
the hospital records showed bullet shrapnels
i'm so confused, if she was never shot what the f*** would've been the point of starting all this?!
lmao he saying she was never shot and she lied out of embarrassment ?
he's basically saying she said it for attention and clout
Isn’t this Megs job?
the girl who has continuously posted proof?
i'm so confused, if she was never shot what the f*** would've been the point of starting all this?!
Smear campaign, if that's the case.
Bro telling us all about what happened after the night instead of the night I get not wanting to talk about ur case but what's the point of this especially months after
the girl who has continuously posted proof?
Proof she got shot yeah. Not that it was Tory who did it.
Proof she got shot yeah. Not that it was Tory who did it.
I mean who else would've shot her? Herself? Her friend?
he still on bones and tendons?
I mean who else would've shot her? Herself? Her friend?
Gun couldve went off accidentally cause people in the car were fighting over it