She says he did it, and he says he didn’t. Not even her best friend is taking her side. Why would you outright believe anyone if you weren’t in the car?
Why would you outright believe anyone if you weren’t there?
I believe a lot of things I wasn’t there for.
I believe a lot of things I wasn’t there for.
Question everything if you don’t have pictures or videos. S***, even that’s questionable now. History is just HIS STORY. Stay woke nigga
Nigga has said every subliminal in the world but still hasn’t just straight up said “I didn’t do it”
Nigga has said every subliminal in the world but still hasn’t just straight up said “I didn’t do it”
Nigga has said every subliminal in the world but still hasn’t just straight up said “I didn’t do it”
things can be more complicating than a simple "i didn't do it". This world isn't black and white
Question everything if you don’t have pictures or videos. S***, even that’s questionable now. History is just HIS STORY. Stay woke nigga
these niggas woulda lynched Emmett Till lol. “She said he whistled at her! Who we supposed to believe???”
Bet your account on it
I easily bet my account on it i would bet my crypto wallet that Tory will do some time. Let the justice system do its thing.
these niggas woulda lynched Emmett Till lol. “She said he whistled at her! Who we supposed to believe???”
Lol you ain’t lying
Megan looks like a big burly NFL linebacker, he probably saw Kylie and realized he needed an upgrade asap
Meg is beautiful you f***ing goofy ass c**
Lol you ain’t lying
Woulda taken out an ad in the NYT right next to Trump’s during the Central Park 5 lol
“Innocent? Since when can people be innocent?!?!”
Nigga has said every subliminal in the world but still hasn’t just straight up said “I didn’t do it”
He did in his daystar album like 5+ times
but not the guy that called megan a man.
if your only comeback to somebody saying megan is a man is " go die slow." your a weirdo
Lmaoooooo cmon bro
This is a bit different from the Holocaust don’t you think? I mean it was niggas that were actually in aushwitz and witnessed the vibes
Did you just call the Holocaust a vibe