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  • Dec 6, 2020
    The Darkest Angel

    No I just like to add some fun to a serious topic. I wasn't going to entertain your response because you just fell into the same divide and conquer conditioning everyone else has but I realize Tory really could use the support and we're stronger together and not against each other. Please reconsider your hostility at my comparison.


  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply
    The Darkest Angel
    · edited

    He's not guilty as far as anyone on here knows but that won't stop you know who from putting every mistake he's ever made on full display. The media is their tool and we've seen how they misconstrued truth and omit facts. If he's not guilty they'll make him guilty. They NEED him to be guilty so it could fit the narrative that black men commit so much gun violence.

    For anyone reading later on I had to edit out an inappropriate Trayvon Martin comparison.

  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply

    This has been going on for so long i'm starting to feel bad for him, he's either fr innocent or entirely delusional... both are really concerning at this point.

  • Dec 6, 2020

    Why did akademiks caption it like that

  • Dec 6, 2020
    The Darkest Angel
    · edited

    He's not guilty as far as anyone on here knows but that won't stop you know who from putting every mistake he's ever made on full display. The media is their tool and we've seen how they misconstrued truth and omit facts. If he's not guilty they'll make him guilty. They NEED him to be guilty so it could fit the narrative that black men commit so much gun violence.

    For anyone reading later on I had to edit out an inappropriate Trayvon Martin comparison.

    here's that quote u wanted

  • Dec 6, 2020

    This has been going on for so long i'm starting to feel bad for him, he's either fr innocent or entirely delusional... both are really concerning at this point.

  • Dec 6, 2020
    The Darkest Angel

    No I just like to add some fun to a serious topic. I wasn't going to entertain your response because you just fell into the same divide and conquer conditioning everyone else has but I realize Tory really could use the support and we're stronger together and not against each other. Please reconsider your hostility at my comparison.

    "I just like to add some fun to a serious topic"

  • Dec 6, 2020

    Darkest Angel

  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I do agree with his post tho lol

  • Dec 6, 2020

    Bro compared Daystar Shemuel Shua Peterson to Trayvon Martin

  • Dec 6, 2020

  • Dec 6, 2020
    red eagle

    I do agree with his post tho lol

    @Darkest_Angel wasn't wrong his execution was just a bit off

  • pneu
    Dec 6, 2020

    You did not just compare this nigga to Trayvon Martin

  • Lein

    You did not just compare this nigga to Trayvon Martin

    I get why it didn't go over well. My bad I wrote my post without it now

  • Dec 6, 2020
    RX figtalk

    You're an idiot

  • Dec 6, 2020
    2 replies

    He still ain’t said what happened. If it’s as simple as he didn’t do anything he could say that and say what happened

  • Dec 6, 2020

    He still ain’t said what happened. If it’s as simple as he didn’t do anything he could say that and say what happened

    Think it’s due to the open case.

  • Dec 6, 2020

    I'm sick of dumbasses saying s*** like "innocent until proven guilty bro!" in the context of people talking about this

    Innocent until proven guilty is a concept solely reserved for the actual judicial process i.e. pre-judgment of facts shouldn't be made by a judge or jury or whoever is involved in making that decision ultimately

    Dudes trying to extrapolate this to mean an actual role in respect of literally any discussion of anything are dumb as rocks

  • Dec 6, 2020

    Stepped outta bail, I did a diddy bop

  • Dec 6, 2020

    darkest angel?

    more like dumbest angel

  • Dec 6, 2020

  • Dec 6, 2020

    Oh my god someone shut this fukin midget up we don’t give a fuk about u or that other fat b****

  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply

    He still ain’t said what happened. If it’s as simple as he didn’t do anything he could say that and say what happened

    It’s an open case

  • Dec 6, 2020
    2 replies

    It’s an open case

    It’s as simple as he didn’t do s*** it ain’t complicated right ?

    But the truth is at minimum he was involved in gun shot wounds to her or is hiding for his mans.

    You people really think Meg just decided to make up she was shot at randomly ☠️ I feel sorry for black woken because I only see this kind of shot regarding them.

  • Dec 6, 2020

    He innocent

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