Meg ratted tho
Let’s talk about it
He didn’t shoot Megan, she was drunk fighting with another girl, the 2 girls fought over the gun and it went off,
Meg clearly lied about what happened
name to post
i mean they didn't even want to believe she got shot and she posted her foot shredded to pieces.
S*** is weird as hell
And the thing is meg and tory was cool about it for a bit until Tory started getting defensive over all the internet n media talk & then ruined everything for himself and switched everything up which pissed Meg n her team off which led to where we are today lol
But yeah Tory innocent it was just hoes fighting - i guess 💀
Meg ratted tho
Let’s talk about it
Lmaooo did she not?
If he had just played it cool I feel like this would’ve went down way different, but him antagonizing Meg in the media certainly ain’t help.
clown behaviour fr
Remember when the s*** first happened and Tory Lanez drunk called Meg balling his tears out when she was in the hospital saying hes sorry for what he did & the whole situation
But everyone pretends it didnt happen now
This was before the bad blood between them happened and was one of the first things about the situation lol
Meg ratted tho
Let’s talk about it
Would you protect someone that shot you?
Meg ratted tho
Let’s talk about it
She shouldve held him down for the trenches
Would you protect someone that shot you?
rest in piss. man almost removed MTS off this planet. imagine never being able to see those glorious cheeks wiggle again. Dude deserves everything coming his way.
She shouldve held him down for the trenches
On bro!
crazy how meg was still planning to cover for him just for him to f*** it up by continuing to be a violent, lying d***head over the next 2 years
Meg ratted tho
Let’s talk about it
its past your bedtime already unc