Why do I think this bozo is going to try and Kevin Spacey this and try to play into the hate
He gon come out as gay?
Ok i better not see you or the 30 niggas that liked this talking about this later on
Boo hoo!
It’s still wraps for him no matter what
If he confirms he's a crack head it might be a way back into the light
That's the only way outta this one
N if he said meg called him a homophobic slur it over
Y’all came out with the wildest things
He bout to talk his talks then drop a surprise album
N if he said meg called him a homophobic slur it over
LGBTQ community gonna be like
"well that b**** deserved it!"
I thought he was locked up
no. u super wrong. meg lied to the police so he could not get arrested. He escaped to Miami
Classic track
Yeah used to bump this heavy.