He cant win in the court of public opinion.
This is a bad idea (c) Curtis
That’s fine. Let him have his word and we’ll decide what happens after
I need Tory on a Brampton type of demon time. He needs to call meg a wastegyal and all that s***, if we getting a r kelly crying apology I’m out
I need Tory on a Brampton type of demon time. He needs to call meg a wastegyal and all that s***, if we getting a r kelly crying apology I’m out
I wanna stream Kings Disease, but everytime I press play, someone from Twitter climbs into my bedroom window and screams at me about how Nas is a women beater and it's not a surprise he'd work with a producer with the word "Hit" in his name.
Is this normal?
He’s 100% dropping a song about it, 9pm PST is the worldwide music release time.
Ain’t been this hyped for a ig live since 69 came back to reclaim his throne as king of New York