I don’t think so. Because then 6ix9ine would’ve had more streams.
Your album getting nothing but negative publicity from almost every major publication is probably never a good thing.
We see it from 2 different angles
0 promo? bro all over the headlines
Promoting an album, generally speaking is doing things prior to release to build hype for the album.
Dropping an album with 0 warning, and then Complex, Pitchfork, Highsnobriety, The Guardian writing hitpieces about it is not promotion.
I know yall can't be this ignorant.
If he had sold 90k it wouldn't be a flop, him being independent don't mean s***
If an artist is seeing massive profit its not a flop and being independent means a lot when the convo is what was spent and what was made. That’s what an album being consider a flop comes from.
Same logic
All that coverage ain’t make people go hard to put Ye on the ballots
Yea because their is a huge difference between listening to album and putting somebody on a presidential ballot
Promote -
further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage.
Yes you idiot, promote LISTENING to the project
Promotion is about making people aware your product exists which is what he did.. what the audience does in return doesn't matter
Promo is not always good either goofy 😭
Y’all gotta stick to saying what y’all think “came and went” bring back sonically too if y’all must but certain convos should be left alone on here.
This would’ve done 100k if he wasn’t blackballed tbh. This tape is bigger (and better) than Chixtape 5
Promoting an album, generally speaking is doing things prior to release to build hype for the album.
Dropping an album with 0 warning, and then Complex, Pitchfork, Highsnobriety, The Guardian writing hitpieces about it is not promotion.
I know yall can't be this ignorant.
Dropping an album were everyone in the hip-hop circle wants to hear what you say and you only do 50k?
Even his haters was listening?
Issa Flop
people that said he was gonna be bigger than ever and that he'd be outselling everyone in that other thread coming quick with the excuses itt
He clapped a woman in the feet. Low sales?? should be more worried about going to jail..
Nah, major press articles weren't doing complete write ups on why people shouldn't listen.
This bad pub seems like it has a machine behind it.
I remember one for Fortune, one website gave it a 0/10 and for the review, wrote about the 2009 incident for the whole thing
Yes you idiot, promote LISTENING to the project
Promotion is about making people aware your product exists which is what he did.. what the audience does in return doesn't matter
Promo is not always good either goofy 😭
“Promotion is about making people aware your product exists”
You’re leaving out “make people aware your product exists and that they should consume it”
Telling people to not consume something is the opposite of promotion.
When Dana White promos a new UFC fight he’s trying to get people to watch it.
When a restaurant promos a new menu item they’re trying to get people to eat there
What are you not understanding
Y’all are f***ing weird
Why are you mad people are saying not to listen to it?
this isn’t some mbdtf s***
Dropping an album were everyone in the hip-hop circle wants to hear what you say and you only do 50k?
Even his haters was listening?
Issa Flop
What does this have to do with my post?
Kanye was trending for a year straight and still couldnt win the presidency
Lmaoo you don’t see how wild this logic is
Thats not how elections work bruh
Y’all are f***ing weird
Why are you mad people are saying not to listen to it?
this isn’t some mbdtf s***
Why are you ok with him being blackballed/censored?
They did less to R.Kelly.
“Promotion is about making people aware your product exists”
You’re leaving out “make people aware your product exists and that they should consume it”
Telling people to not consume something is the opposite of promotion.
When Dana White promos a new UFC fight he’s trying to get people to watch it.
When a restaurant promos a new menu item they’re trying to get people to eat there
What are you not understanding
02shaq with the mf logic on these bums
“Promotion is about making people aware your product exists”
You’re leaving out “make people aware your product exists and that they should consume it”
Telling people to not consume something is the opposite of promotion.
When Dana White promos a new UFC fight he’s trying to get people to watch it.
When a restaurant promos a new menu item they’re trying to get people to eat there
What are you not understanding
Telling people you're sharing your side to a story of a high profile crime will get people to listen
People calling him a bad person will get people to listen
You got Trump as your president talking about bad promo doesn't exist
People ITT got a whole gimmick to only listen to abusers
Thats not how elections work bruh
*put him on your local ballot so he has the chance to win presidency
If an artist is seeing massive profit its not a flop and being independent means a lot when the convo is what was spent and what was made. That’s what an album being consider a flop comes from.
The public aren't accountants we don't do the math on your budget and your revenue for the album.
We go on how big of an artist you are, your buzz, and how your previous projects sold if you aren't a new artist
With the Megan s*** he shoulda sold around 100k even with the blackball
Issa Flop
Telling people you're sharing your side to a story of a high profile crime will get people to listen
People calling him a bad person will get people to listen
You got Trump as your president talking about bad promo doesn't exist
People ITT got a whole gimmick to only listen to abusers
Trump didnt win the popular vote lmao
You niggas trying to bring politics in this are showing your ass
Yea because their is a huge difference between listening to album and putting somebody on a presidential ballot
It takes the same amount of effort to go search Tory Lanez on Apple Music as it does to click on Links Ye posts to endorse him being on your local ballot
What is it, a signature? lol