Great episode. I hate reddit. They nag about every little detail that's left out. They have been developing the relationships between the characters better imo
seeing them and MAL b**** about last week's episode was crazy. talking about "that shinsu was too elaborate" or "khun is too cozy with bam" like chill out
Great episode. I hate reddit. They nag about every little detail that's left out. They have been developing the relationships between the characters better imo
I only seen the nitpicking really bad on the TOG subreddit cause they manwha elitist and s***. The Anime subreddit been amazing dou
I only seen the nitpicking really bad on the TOG subreddit cause they manwha elitist and s***. The Anime subreddit been amazing dou
MAL is kinda bad but then again when are they not
I only seen the nitpicking really bad on the TOG subreddit cause they manwha elitist and s***. The Anime subreddit been amazing dou
Guess I have to check out the anime reddit from now on
Baam en Khun the new Gon and Killua
lol yeah i see a lot of similarities in the 2 shows tbh, but the music, animation and mystery aspects of ToG >>>>>>>>>>
They got an English dub out for this?
man they’ve done a great job with the voice acting so far, i’d never watch an English dub of this
Yo why do people in the show (mainly Khun) call Bam "Yoru"?
Yo why do people in the show (mainly Khun) call Bam "Yoru"?
Yuru is japanese for Baam
Yuru is japanese for Baam
Is his name the actual "bam" sound effect?