just finished Name Hunt arc, super cute & exciting and it was dope seeing the s1 cast again.
The first panel of latest chapter
drip god
Start of S3 was slow asf with introducing like 50 characters but it really all paid off nicely
just finished ep 11, these cliffhangers killin me bro
You are not ready for final
You are not ready for final
100 more chapters left in s2 wasnt sure how i felt about it at first with the focus on Viole and Fug but MAN this s*** is turning out classic
think i’ma wait til the finale to watch the last 3 eps, been too caught up reading anyways
think i’ma wait til the finale to watch the last 3 eps, been too caught up reading anyways
Naw please watch 12 at least so you don’t get spoiled . It’s that important
Naw please watch 12 at least so you don’t get spoiled . It’s that important
??? something different happen than in the toon? cuz i’ve already read all that lol